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SPSM-DC_24.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 14, 2024

Part B



Release Note


IEP Cover Page, Services, and ESY Sections

  • Corrected an issue where the user could not add services to the Services and ESY section if the student had an existing Comparable Service Plan document.

  • Corrected an issue where Services and ESY service data was clearing when the staff selected No to the question on the cover page labeled Is this a recreation of a previously completed IEP in a previous system, and then added the services, returned to the cover page and saves the section after adding the services.


Individualized Education Program

When the user does not answer the Yes or No question on the cover page labeled Is this a recreation of a previously completed IEP in a previous system?, when the user opens the Services and Supplemental Aids or Extended School Year sections, the user cannot add any services or dedicated aids until the question is answered No. When Yes is answered, any services and dedicated aids from the profile will flow into the IEP as read-only.


Stepwell LEA Monitoring Untimely Re-evaluations

Added a new report, LEA Monitoring Untimely Re-evaluations, under the Stepwell Reports category.

The selection criteria of the LEA Monitoring Untimely Re-evaluations Report include students with an active IEP and whose Eligibility Due Date, pulled from the new Eligibility History Part B profile, falls between the Globals Monitoring Start and End Dates.


Referrals Part B Profile and Stepwell LEA Monitoring Untimely Initial Evaluations

Updated the calculation logic for the Consent Due Date to calculate the Consent Due Date by excluding the referral reason.

Made the following updates to the calculation logic for the Initial Eligibility Due Date:

  • When the Referral reason = Out of State AND the Consent Response is either Consent Granted or neither Consent Denied or Did Not Respond selected (either Consent Granted or none of the three boxes are selected), then the eligibility due date is 60 calendar days from the Referral Date. Also, when the Consent Response is either Consent Denied or Did Not Respond, then the Initial Eligibility Due Date will be blank.

  • When the Referral reason is not Out of State and the Consent Received Date is populated and the Consent Response is Consent Granted, the eligibility due date is 60 calendar days from the Consent Received Date.

  • Added a new Timely label under the Initial Eligibility Date field, Initial Eligibility Timelines area. This field is read-only and will be auto-selected when the Initial Eligibility Date value is on or less than the Initial Eligibility Due Date value.

  • Added a new label named Untimely under the Initial Eligibility Date field, Initial Eligibility Timelines area. This field is read-only and will be auto-selected when the Initial Eligibility Date value is greater than the Initial Eligibility Due Date or if the Initial Eligibility Date value is blank and today’s date is greater than the Initial Eligibility Due Date.

  • Added a new report, LEA Monitoring Untimely Initial Evaluations, under the Stepwell Reports category.

  • The selection criteria of the LEA Monitoring Untimely Initial Evaluations Report include students having Referrals Part B record with the Referral Reason as Initial Evaluation, Out of State IEP or Part C to Part B. The Initial Eligibility Due Date must be in the date range of Globals Monitoring Start and End Dates. Additionally, the Untimely checkbox on the Part B Referral must be selected.
    The students are excluded from the LEA Monitoring Untimely Initial Evaluations Report if their most recent exit date on the LEA Entry/Exit profile is within the date of the Globals Monitoring Start and End dates or if the Initial Eligibility Delay Reason is Parent Delay.

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