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SPSM-DC_24.2.2.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 29, 2024

Part B



Release Note


Letter of Invitation

Removed the requirement for the meeting date to be in the future when setting the document to review or final.


Progress Report and Legacy Progress Report

Resolved an issue where the Goal area was not displaying any data when the Progress Report or Legacy Report was translated.


Analysis of Existing Data (AED)

Redesigned the AED document to address performance issues.

Made the following changes to the form layout:

  • Area of Need/Concern Reviewed: each selected area of need will now be displayed as an independent section on the fly-out.

  • The Additional Assessment Considerations is moved to a separate section on the fly-out.

  • All the other information remains on the AED cover page.

Documents created before the 2.2 model release will maintain the previous functionality and formatting. Any new documents created after the 2.2 model release will include the changes mentioned.



Updated the IEP to create the Child Outcome Summary document to include only where the student is in Grade P3 or GP4.

When the user does not answer the Yes or No question on the cover page labeled Is this a recreation of a previously completed IEP in a previous system?, when the user opens the Services and Supplemental Aids or Extended School Year sections, the user cannot add any services or dedicated aids until the question is answered No. When Yes is answered, any services and dedicated aids from the profile will flow into the IEP as read-only.

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