SPSM-DC_24.6.2.0 Release Notes
Date of release: June 26, 2024
Part B
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-103313 | Referral Acknowledgement Document | Removed the constraint to allow the user to edit a draft document where the date of the letter can be in the past. |
SPEDSM-102813 | Evaluation Summary Report | Resolved an issue where when users attempted to finalize an Evaluation Summary Report, they received an error message: Duration is required for the given assessment. Also, updated the Evaluation Summary Document to be created based on the latest AED document. |
SPEDSM-102684 | Behavior Intervention Plan | Resolved an issue where when users attempted to complete a Behavior Intervention Plan, they got the ‘Do not allow duplicate Person Responsible’ error message. |
SPEDSM-101024 | IEP Amendment, Present Levels of Performance & Goals | Resolved an issue where when users attempted to finalize an amended IEP, they received this error message: Please choose appropriate Statewide Alternate assessment option on 'Classroom Accommodation & Assessment Participation' section. |
SPEDSM-99122 | Subclass III Report | Added a new report with KPIs, DL Subclass III, under the Advanced Reports, Data Report, and a Standard report including the student level detailed information under the Standard reports, Part B Federal Reporting category. The selection criteria for Subclass III are the same as those in the APR 11 report, with the additional condition that students must be younger than six years old as of the Referral Date. The condition requiring Referral Consent mandatory is removed from the report selection criteria. The report includes the student records without an Eligibility date but has a referral with Referral +30 calendar days that is within the reporting date range. The report includes both active and inactive students. The report excludes the students with the referral reason Reevaluation - Parent/LEA Request. The key counts on the report include the following data:
Part C
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-103478 | Request for Evaluation/Assessment | Changed the document label from Referral for Evaluation - Internal to Request for Evaluation/Assessment. |
SPEDSM-103444 | Family Interview Document | The General Health textbox is now a required field. |
SPEDSM-102549 | Evaluation Requests Part C Profile | Added a field titled Evaluation Notes in the Evaluation Details area within the Evaluation Requests Part C Profile. |
SPEDSM-102035 | IFSP, Authorization and Services section | Made the following changes to the IFSP document: Added a new checkbox titled No Services Approved on the Authorization page. Added the data flow from the document to the profile based on the 3 checkboxes in the authorization section: All services, Only the following service(s), and No Services, like; When All services is selected, all the services from the IFSP services section will flow to the IFSP Services Part C profile. When Only the following service(s) is selected, only the selected service from the Authorization page flows to the IFSP Services Part C profile. The non-selected/unapproved services will remain within the IFSP Services section. When No Services is selected, a message will be displayed to the user: The IFSP will not be set to active status and no dataflow to the child’s profiles will occur upon finalization of the document. Also, the consent checkboxes Parent/Guardian Consent Not Received or Parent/Guardian Refused Consent on the Office Use Only section is required to finalize the document and no data flows to the the IFSP Services Part C profile when the document is finalized and document is not be active.
The three checkboxes and the date on the Authorization page is required to finalize the document regardless of the signature method. Displays the text Not Approved in the Max Start and Service End Date for each applicable service row in the Services section for the services that are not selected on the authorization page under, Only the following service(s) or when the No Services checkbox is selected (regardless of the signature method). Updated the amended IFSPs such that only the Service End Date will be editable for the services that were approved, where there is a maximum start date for services, and unapproved services will be read-only (like, where the service row has the Not Approved text in the Max Start and Service End date fields). The approved and non-approved services from the original IFSP will not appear on the Authorization page for the amended IFSP documents but only the ne services will appear on the authorization page.