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SPSM-DC_24.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of release: July 10, 2024

Part B



Release Note


Subclass IV Report

  • Added a new report with KPIs, DL Subclass IV, under the Advanced Reports, Data Report, and a Standard report including the Student level detailed information under the Standard reports, Part B Federal Reporting category.

    • The selection criteria for Subclass IV is same as APR 12 Early Childhood Transition report.

    • The report includes both active and inactive students.

    • The key counts on the report include the following data:

      • Total Number of Students

      • Timely Subclass IV

      • Timely Referral

      • Timely IEP

      • Timely SI

      • Timely RS

      • Number Excluded

Part B and Part C



Release Note


Updates to APR 12 Report, Stepwell Part C to B Report, 2.6.5 List Report

Updated the student selection criteria for the List Report. The new criteria require that the student be not deactivated, have an IFSP History Part C record within the IFSP date range, and have a Part C Case Status History record within the Effective Date-CaseClosure date range. This change impacts the Early Childhood Transition report and the LEA Monitoring Part C to Part B report, aligning their selection criteria.

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