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SPSM-DC_24.7.2.0 Release Notes

Date of release: July 24, 2024

Part B



Release Note


APR 11

Changed the student selection criteria to use the student’s initial eligibility due date rather than eligibility meeting date.


Subclass I Report

Added a new student profile called Plan Records. This profile is for PowerSchool use only for the Subclass I report. OSSE should remove this profile from all security groups upon deployment of version 7.2.

Added a new report with KPIs, DL Subclass I, under the Advanced Reports, Data Report, and a Standard report including the Student level detailed information under the Standard reports, Part B Federal Reporting category.

  • The selection criteria for Subclass I include children aged 3 years 0 months to 5 years 11 months who have an IEP, Service Plan, or Extended IFSP within the reporting date range.

  • The report includes both active and inactive students.

  • The key counts on the report include the following data:

    • Number of children counting toward Subclass I.

    • Percent of children counting toward Subclass I.

Part C



Release Note


Part C

  • Changed the label on the Service Capture Intervention Log report from Schedule Date to Scheduled Date.

  • Updated label descriptions within Part C Service Records Profile. Only the service provider and the supervisor (along with administrator) can edit the records.

  • Part C Referral Profile - Regardless of the drop-down values in Referral Category and Referral Source, the field labeled Other Referral Source will appear. When the drop-down value has the word Other in the selected value for either Referral Category or Referral Source drop-down fields, then the Other Referral Source textbox is required.

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