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SPSM-DC_24.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of release: August 21, 2024

Part B



Release Note


IEP Amendment

Resolved an issue in the LRE section of the IEP Amendment where the expired services were used from the Services and Supplemental Aids section, resulting in negative values and a percentage over 100.


IEP, Services and Supplemental Aids

Made the following changes in the IEP, Services and Supplemental Aids section:

  • Added validation to require at least one special education or related service before setting the document to Final.

  • Updated the Services section to display the Consultation Services grid apart from the the Special Education Services grid for the speech-only IEP option. The only valid Consultation Service allowed for a speech-only IEP will be Speech-Language Pathology.

  • Modified the Document delivery section to include a new Parent Response option called Parent Did Not Respond which will function same as the Parent Declined response.

  • Updated the guidance message on the services section for speech-only IEPs to: Note: This is a speech-only IEP. Speech-Language Pathology is the only valid service for this IEP.

  • Updated the guidance message on the cover page for speech-only IEPs to include the word for Consultation Services, and now the message appears as: Note: Speech-only IEPs will only display Special Education and Consultation Services sections. Any previously entered Related Service on this IEP will be removed, and the Related Service grid will be hidden.


Document Creation Validation (Change Item 52)

Added validation on document creation to require the PWN Consent Granted checkbox (Consent Granted) selected in the Part C Referral record to create the document. The following documents will now require parental consent:

  • Request for Evaluation/Assessment

  • Evaluation/Assessment PWN

  • Consent to Conduct Evaluation/Assessment

  • Evaluation Report

  • Functional Vision Assessment

  • Parent Refusal to Attend Eligibility Meeting

  • IFSP

  • Prior Written Notice for Eligibility and IFSP

  • Consent for Virtual or In-Person Assessment/Services

  • Early Intervention Participation Agreement


Prong2 Profile, Prong2 Reports and New Keyword Table

Made the following changes to the Prong2 Profile and Prong2 Reports:

  • Added a new keyword named Prong2Topics with following list of topics, Inuse = Yes:

    • Initial Evaluation

    • Secondary Transition

    • Reevaluation

    • Part C to B Transition

    • FAPE and LRE

    • Correctional

  • Prong2 Profile

    • Made the field Effective Date read only and updated the field to be the date that the user adds the Prong2 record

    • Added a new field named Topics under the End Date which displays the Topics (with Inuse = Yes) from the newly added Prong2Topics keyword table

  • Prong2 Summary Grid

    • Removed the Comments column and added Topics column after the End Date in the Summary Grid.

    • Renamed the EffecitveDate and EndDate columns have been renamed tp Effective Date and End Date.

  • Prong2 Reports

    • Renamed the existing “StudentImport Prong2” report as StudentImport Prong2-OLD and removed the FromDate and ToDate filters on the report.

    • Added 6 new reports for 6 topics, namely Prong2 Initial Evaluation, Prong2 Secondary Transition, Prong2 Reevaluation, Prong2 Part C to B Transition, Prong2 FAPE and LRE, and Prong2 Correctional.

    • The selection criteria of the these reports include all the active students with an effective start date, and blank end date.

      • The selection criteria for all 6 reports are same except the topics are different for each of the report.


Disability History Data Cleanup

Ran a one-time script to correct records that had overlapping active primary disability records where there was more than one primary disability record with the same end date or blank end date values and had the same disability value (e.g. OHI) and has the same start date value. In addition, if the student’s primary disability end date value is dated greater than the date the script ran it removes the end date value. The same process was run for secondary disability records.

Part C



Release Note


Contact Logs

Modified the contact log to allow only the author to edit or delete the record. Others can view but not edit or delete.


Part C Service Capture (Change Item 70)

Updated the Service Capture logic to restrict editing of the service capture record to specific roles, based on the billing claim status. Additionally, the Service Capture logic now allows the user to change the Billing Claim Status value based on specific workflows.


Evaluation Requests Part C Profile and Evaluation/Assessment PWN (Change Item 83)

Made the following changes to the Evaluation Requests Part C Profile and Evaluation/Assessment PWN:

  • Added the data flow from the Evaluation Requests Part C profile to the Evaluation/Assessment PWN document (upon creation of the document) for the Evaluation Site, Evaluation Provider1, and Evaluation Provider2 fields. The fields will be read-only in the document.

  • A message will be sent to the evaluators when they are assigned within the Evaluation Requests profile.

  • In the document, added a validation to ensure at least one evaluator is required to set the document to review or finalize.

  • In the document, added a validation to ensure the evaluation company is required to set the document to review or final.


Request for Evaluation/Assessment document (Change Item 56)

Added the data flow for the Insurance Provider and Primary Payer from the Request for Evaluation/Assessment document to the Evaluation Requests Part C profile upon finalizing the document.


IFSP Services Part C Profile (Change Item 82)

  • When the user adds or changes the Company Name and clicks Save, the Company Assignment Date stores todays date in the field. The field is now read-only.

  • When the user adds or changes the Name of Early Interventionist and clicks Save, the Early Interventionist Assignment Date stores todays date in the field The field is now read-only.


Translation/Interpreter Part C Profile (Change Item 58)

  • Updated the Translator Interpreter profile to insert the assigned staff on the Translator Interpreter record to the Staff’s Caseload (the child’s Caseload profile). 

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