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SPSM-DC_24.9.2.0 Release Notes

Date of release: September 27, 2024

Part B



Release Note


Student Deactivation

The daily script was updated to use the student’s LEA Entry/Exit profile to determine if the student should be deactivated. If the student’s most recent record has an exit date with a value of the current date or in the past, the system will deactivate the student.


First Provision of Services

Updated the logic on when the document can be created for the student. The document will be created when it meets the following requirements:

  • Student must be age seven or below as of the date the user is creating the document.

  • Student must have a Specialized Education Specialized Instruction IEP Service record.

  • Student must be active.

  • Student must have a Referrals Part B record with referral reason Initial or Part C to Part B where the Initial Eligibility Outcome is Eligible and the Consent Response for Initial Provision of Services is Consent Granted.

Part C



Release Note


Evaluation Requests Part C

Updated the Evaluation Requests Part C so that only the Service Coordinator, Service Coordinator Supervisor, or Users with security group privilege DEL Administrator can edit the Primary Payer field.


Evaluation Request Part C

Made the following changes to the Evaluation Request Part C profile

  • Updated the profile to filter the Evaluation Sites based on the Locations Company Category = Evaluation and Location is a Company = True.

  • Updated the profile to filter the Evaluation Provider 1 or Evaluation Provider 2 based on the staff Position 1- Position 4 = Evaluator and their works at location company category = Evaluation.

  • Made the Primary Payer field required.

  • Removed the redundant constraints related to the Primary Payer and Insurance Company in the profile.


Prior Written Notice for Eligibility and IFSP

Updated the Prior Written Notice for Eligibility and IFSP document where the sub-checkboxes for Initial and Annual is made non-required, on the Document Delivery profile, updated the label to “Response”.


IFSP Services Profile and Provider Request Report

  • The IFSP Type and IFSP Date fields are now required on the IFSP Services Part C profile.

  • The Provider Request Report now displays the appropriate color coding based on 30 Day Tracking. The row is green when the number of days is 25 or more. The row is orange when the number of days is between 11-24 days. The row is red when the number of days is less than 11.


Translation/Interpreter Part C Script

Updated the existing script labeled “Part C Caseload,” which will remove the assigned staff from the child’s Caseload profile when the translation or interpretation request status is Completed, Missed, or Cancelled. This script will run only for the Part C tenant.


Evaluation Requests Part C Profile and Evaluation/Assessment PWN

Made the following changes to the Evaluation Requests Part C Profile and Evaluation/Assessment PWN:

  • Updated the Evaluation/Assessment PWN document to display Evaluator 1 and Evaluator 2, along with their associated discipline, upon creating the document from the Evaluation Requests Part C profile.

  • In the profile, a validation has been added to require the Date of Evaluation and the Eligibility Status to save the profile.

  • A validation has been added to the profile to ensure that the Date of Evaluation and Date of Parent Consent are not earlier than the Date of Evaluation Referral.

  • In the profile, a validation has been added to ensure that the Date of Parent Consent is required to save the profile when the user checks the Consent Granted or Consent Denied checkboxes, and vice versa.

  • Renamed Eval Request Date column to the Date of Eval Referral in the profile summary page.


Insurance Profile and Caseload Script

When the user adds a Medicaid Case Manager to a child’s insurance profile, upon saving the record, the MCO staff will be added to the child’s caseload profile.

Updated the existing script labeled “Part C Caseload” which will remove the MCO staff from the child’s Caseload profile when the MCO is removed from the Insurance profile or if the Insurance company has an end date. This script will run only for the Part C tenant.


Translation/Interpreter Part C Profile - Supporting Documents

  • Added a new child profile named Translation Documents to upload the supporting documents needed for the Translation /Interpretation profile. The profile includes Translator/Interpreter, File Name, Attachment Type, Created/Last Modified By, Created Date, Last Modified Date.

  • All the files uploaded to the Translation documents profile will appear as Read-only within the Translation/Interpretation profile.

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