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Workflow Cases

PowerSchool Special Programs Workflow Case Management includes features that help the District of Columbia's workflows by pre-defining the document templates, workflow events or steps, step completion criteria, and deadlines for a student's workflow case. Visual indicators are shown on the page header for a given student. It helps to identify what stage of the process a student's case is at, which student cases need attention first, and what needs to be done next for each student.

PowerSchool Special Programs has three workflows built into the District of Columbia's state model. The following workflows cover various stages from student Referral to Individualized Education Program (IEP) creation and approval:

Create Workflow Case

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents or Profile icon for the student.

  3. Click the Workflow Cases tab for the student.

  4. Click Create Workflow Case.

  5. Select Part B as a Category for the case.

  6. Select the Case Type. For Part B, the following three case types are available:

    1. Initial Referral to Consent

    2. Initial Eligibility to Initial IEP

    3. IEP to Next IEP (Annual Review)

  7. Enter a brief Description of the workflow case type (optional).

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select new documents from the Add New Document drop-down list and click Add to include them in the workflow case. This step can be skipped if the documents are already created on the student's document list.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Select the required documents to add to the workflow case if the documents are already created and are available on the student's document list.

    • Users can filter the document list using the By Year and By Category menus at the wizard's header.

    • Users who need to add a new document can return to the New Documents window by clicking the Previous button in the footer or the New Documents at the header.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Select staff to receive notifications when the listed steps specific to the workflow become active. The user can select staff to be notified using the Staff Lookup. This step is optional.

  14. Click Create. This will create the workflow and show the status of the first step in the workflow.

  • The system displays a status indicator icon identifying the current step and the number of days until the next target date (or the number of days the step is overdue) behind the student's name displayed at the page header.

  • All the workflow cases for a student appear in the Workflow Cases tab.

  • Users can manage workflow cases and the documents in each workflow case.

Initial Referral to Consent

This workflow tracks the stages within the referral process like Referral Intake, Parent Acknowledgement for the referral, and then Consent for the Initial Evaluation.


The student for whom the workflow is being created must have an approved Referral for Part B and should not have the consent for initial evaluation granted.

If the above cases are not satisfied, the user can not create the workflow and will be displayed with a message.


The workflow has two stages with completion criteria mentioned below:

  • Parent Acknowledgement: This step tracks the parent acknowledgement.

    • Step metric:

      • Completion Criteria: The step is completed when the Parent Acknowledgement consent for Initial evaluation/Reevaluation.

    • Step metric:

      • Completion Criteria: The step is completed when the parent or guardian consent is received within 30 calendar days from the student's Referral Date. The student's Part B Referral Profile should have the Consent Received Date and the Consent response as Granted. Once done, the workflow case status displays Consent received, and the workflow is completed.

      • The system will display visual indicators as follows:

        • More than 30 days remaining (Green indicator)

        • 30 to 29 days remaining (Light Green indicator)

        • 28 to 10 days remaining (Orange Indicator)

        • 9 or fewer days remaining or overdue (Red indicator)

  • Once the consent is received, the workflow case status displays Consent received, and the workflow is marked completed.

Initial Eligibility to Initial IEP

This workflow tracks the stages within the Eligibility Determination and IEP Creation process for the students referred to special education.


The student for whom the workflow is being created must have a Parent Consent with the request for special education.


The workflow has two stages with completion criteria mentioned below:

  • Eligibility Determination: This step determines the student's eligibility for special education.

    • Step Metric:

      • Completion Criteria:

        • The step is completed when student eligibility is determined after receiving the parent's consent. The student referral reason is Initial Evaluation or Part C To Part B Transition, and the initial eligibility field is blank.

      • The system will display visual indicators as follows:

        • More than 30 days remaining (Green indicator)

        • 30 to 8 days remaining (Light Green indicator)

        • 7 to 2 days remaining (Yellow Indicator)

        • 1 or fewer days remaining or overdue (Red indicator)

  • IEP Creation: This step tracks the process of creating an IEP once the student is found eligible for special education. Once completed, the workflow case status displays IEP Created and the workflow is marked completed.

    • Step Metric:

      • Completion Criteria:

        • The step is completed when the eligible student has not exited the special education programs and IEP is created.

    • The system will display visual indicators as follows:

      • More than 60 days remaining (Green indicator)

      • 60 to 59 days remaining (Light Green indicator)

      • 58 to 29 days remaining (Yellow Indicator)

      • 28 to 1 days remaining (Orange Indicator)

      • 0 days remaining or overdue (Red indicator)

IEP to Next IEP (Annual Review)

This workflow tracks the stages of the annual review or re-evaluation of the student's finalized IEP.


The student must have a finalized IEP, and the staff gets notified when the annual review of the IEP document linked to the workflow has IEP Type as Annual Review or Re-evaluation.


The workflow has one stage with completion criteria mentioned below:

  • IEP Annual Review: This step tracks the process of drafting the IEP for the next annual review or re-evaluation.

    • Step Metric:

      • Completion Criteria:

        • The step is completed when the next IEP is created for annual review or re-evaluation. The workflow case status displays the Annual Review/Re-Eval IEP created, and the workflow is marked completed.

      • The system will display visual indicators as follows:

        • More than 60 days remaining (Green indicator)

        • 60 to 31 days remaining (Light Green indicator)

        • 30 to 21 days remaining (Yellow Indicator)

        • 20 to 2 days remaining (Orange Indicator)

        • 1 or fewer days remaining or overdue (Red indicator)

The Workflow Case Status column shows the current status of the workflow case. It includes date information for each step, such as the number of days until it is due or the number of days it has been overdue.

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