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Idaho Compliance at a Glance

PowerSchool Special Programs Best Practices

When a Software menu path appears in a section, you can navigate to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.

Integration with Student Information Systems (SIS)

Import Layouts

Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, Integration, then Import Layouts

  • Use Import Layouts to import data from the PowerSchool SIS into PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • System administrators should routinely check the Last Imported date and ensure no errors are found.

  • Select Continuous Integration Settings from the More menu to check if a layout is enabled.

Writeback Export Reports

Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports, PowerSchool Export or eSPExport

  • Writeback Export Reports via the Reporting menu send data to the SIS (PowerSchool SIS) from PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • These reports collect the specific special education, which is then uploaded to the SIS.

  • The administrator must enable each report in the application to export the data.

    • To see which reports are enabled, go to Administration, Configuration, Integration, then Export.

  • System administrators should routinely check the Last Successful Export and Last Export Attempted Time Stamp dates are the same. If the dates differ, the export has failed, and the administrator must review the error log to correct the applicable data.

  • For more information regarding what student data exports to PowerSchool SIS, see PowerSchool SIS Integration.

PowerSchool recommends system administrators routinely review the enabled export reports and import layouts for any errors. Special Programs can send an email to administrators with a compilation of all integration errors. To set this up:

  1. Go to Administration, Configuration, Config Tasks, and choose or create a configuration task.

  2. Go to Administration, then Configuration, then Integration.

  3. From the More... menu, choose Continuous Integration Settings.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the required integration instance.

  5. Enter the Notification Email Address. To send notifications to multiple recipients, enter email addresses separated with a comma (,).

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Enter your password, and click OK.

If integration failures persist and are not followed by successful integration runs, contact the PowerSchool support team or log a support ticket.

End of School Year

The system administrator performs the end-of-school-year rollover process and includes school-year document folders, calendar settings, and progress reporting marking periods.

See End of Year Rollover for more information.

New to PowerSchool Special Programs

When the special education data migration to PowerSchool Special Programs is complete, PowerSchool recommends generating all required state reports.

  • Run all reports regardless of when the reports are due to the State.

  • Compare the reports to those from your previous special education system to ensure data is appropriately migrated.

  • Proper data migration ensures reports from both systems match. It is best practice to run the reports as soon as possible during your implementation.

State Reporting

PowerSchool recommends districts run the upcoming State reports monthly to ensure data accuracy.

State reporting typically has stages of submission, “Collection Open,” “Collection Closes date,” “Correction Window,” and “Final submission.”

Reporting Timelines

Generate in Live PowerSchool Special Programs

Create Snapshot Database

Run Reporting within the Snapshot Database

October 1 (10/1)

October 1 (10/1)

October 1

From PowerSchool SIS. It is recommended to create a database snapshot for the final submission if you want to have a backup.

End of Year (EOY)

June 30 (6/30)

Approximately June 30 (6/30)

From PowerSchool SIS. It is recommended to create a database snapshot for the final submission if you want to have a backup.


October Count and March Count


From the PowerSchool SIS. It is recommended to create a database snapshot for the final submission if you want to have a backup.

Back-up Database for State Reporting

The PowerSchool Special Programs application does not historically track some special education state-reportable data, such as disabilities. The administrator of PowerSchool Special Programs must make a snapshot (a copy) of the live database on or before the 12/1 and end-of-year reporting submissions.

Only one copy of your database can exist as a snapshot.

See Creating/Managing the Reporting Snapshot Database for more information.Due on

  • After the snapshot is created and corrections for the reporting period need to be made, make all necessary changes in the snapshot database.

  • The system will prompt the user if the changes need to be pushed to the live database.

State Reports

All districts are required to run the following reports. The purpose of the Reporting Special Education Data in ISEE document is to provide local educational agency (LEA) staff with the guidance necessary to report high-quality educational data to the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) and improve the educational and functional outcomes of students receiving special education and related services in Idaho.


Due By


ISEE Special Education Student File Placed


Run on March, April, and May. Also, run on Nov/Dec to get the child count.

This report will show the consolidated student data which is required for the state report.

ISEE Special Education Student File UnPlaced


Run on March, April, and May. Also, run on Nov/Dec to get the child count.

This report will show the consolidated student data which is required for the state report.

Go to Reporting, then Standard Reports, then PowerSchool Export Reports.

PowerSchool Alert Export






It’s state ID.



A computer number that enables a unique match for student data. (Internal Only).



Send/receive alerts to SIS or get them from SIS to Special Programs when the student is eligible for 504.


Special Education

Send/receive alerts to SIS or get them from SIS to Special Programs when the student is eligible for special education.



Send/receive alerts to SIS or get them from SIS to Special Programs when the student is eligible for English Learner.



Send/receive alerts to SIS or get them from SIS to Special Programs when the student is eligible for Gifted.

PowerSchool State Reporting Export (S_ID_SEN_X)

Students must be eligible for special education to be reported.






A computer number that enables a unique match for student data. (Internal Only).



Send disability data to SIS when the student found any disability.


Eligibility Status

Send the Eligibility status to SIS whether the student is eligible or not.


IEP Date

Send the IEP date to SIS based on the difference btw the Annual review date/Initial IEP meeting date.



Send the CMDA Date to SIS based on the enter date for the current special program enrollment record.


IEP Timelines

Send the Yes/No flag to SIS based on IEP timelines whether it’s falling within 60 days.


Init IEPDays Late

Send the Number of days IEP was delayed for implementation to SIS



Send to SIS through the Special program field that contains the reason for the delay


State Exception

Send the state exception for late determination to SIS


Eligibility status

Send the eligibility status to SIS


Undetermined Reason

Send the reason for selecting undetermined for eligibility of special education services to SIS.


Initial Eligibility Date

Send the Initial Eligibility Date to SIS for the active student


Educational Placement

Send the student's Educational Placement data to SIS


Services per week

Send the Minutes of Special Education and Related Services per week data to SIS


Primary Location

Send the student's primary location, where the student receives services to SIS


Case Manager

Send the student's case manager information to SIS


Intital IEP consent date

Date consent was given to implement the student's initial IEP



Send the student's id number to SIS

PowerSchool State Reporting Export (S_ID_STU_X)

Students must have a disability to be reported for 504 and Gifted.






A computer number that enables a unique match for student data. (Internal Only).



Send data to SIS when the student is eligible for Gifted.


Section 504

Send data to SIS when the student is eligible for 504.



Send the student's id number to SIS

PowerSchool State Reporting Export (SpEnrollment)

Students must have enrollment start and end dates.






A computer number that enables a unique match for student data. (Internal Only).


Program ID

Send the Program ID like 504, gifted etc. to SIS


Enter Date of Program ID

Send the enter date(504 eligible date, Gifted date) based on the program Id to SIS


Exit Date

Send the Exit date based on program id OR student is eligible for any program


Reason the student exited

Send the reason the student exited special education to SIS



Send the grade information based on program id





Send the student's id number to SIS

State-mandated Special Education and Gifted Forms

The Special Education and Gifted forms in PowerSchool Special Programs should match the State-mandated forms. PowerSchool typically releases State form changes within 6-8 weeks from receipt of changes. Additional forms such as 504, English Learner, and Response to Instruction (RTI) are not State-mandated.


Software menu path: Search for a Student, click the Profile icon on the top right, and then use the dialog on the Profiles tab to view the fields in each section.

The following profiles and fields are important for State reporting:





State-provided student ID number.

Home School

Identifies the school closest to the student's home.

Servicing School

Identifies the school the student currently attends.

Contact Information



Receives Letters

If selected, this field will display the names of all the recipients who can sign via DocuSign on the form. The field is integrated from the SIS.




Special Education Information

Eligible Status

Indicates if the student is Eligible or Not Eligible for Special Programs.

Case Manager

Identifies the student's case manager who comes from the Personnel assignment.

Referral Date

Flows data from a finalized Referral to Consider Special Education Evaluation Form, then the Referral Date field.

Date of Consent for Evaluation

Flows data from a finalized Parental Consent for Evaluation Form, then Consent Date field.

Date of Consent for Placement

Flows data from a finalized Parental Consent for Placement Form, then Consent Date field.

Eligibility (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)

Flows data from a finalized Special Education Eligibility Report, then Question #10 = Yes, and Eligibility Determination fields.

Keyword Table: EligibilityCategories

Eligibility Date

Flows data from a finalized Special Education Eligibility Report, then form date when type = Initial and Eligibility = Yes.

Initial/Annual Review Date

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then IEP Meeting date for Initial or Annual Review.

IEP Amendment Date

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then IEP Meeting date indicated with a Purpose of IEP Meeting = Amendment.

Purpose of Meeting

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Purpose of Meeting drop-down list.

Keyword Table: IEPMeeting

Most Recent Annual Review Date (07)

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Purpose of meeting = Annual Review > meeting date.

Keyword Table: SpEdEventsTable

Annual Review Due Date

Indicates the field that calculates the next review due date 364 days (one year minus 1 day) after the most recent annual review.

Date of Eligibility/Redetermination (08)

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Cover page, then for Purpose of Meeting = Initial or Reevaluation.

Keyword Table: SpEdEventsTable

Date of Eligibility/Redetermination Due Date

Indicates the field that calculates the next eligibility or redetermination date three years minus one day from the most recent eligibility or reevaluation date.

Behavior Intervention Plan Date

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors A. Behavior Plan = Yes, or a finalized Behavioral Intervention Plan.

Parent Present At Initial

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Cover Sheet, then Parent = Yes, and meeting purpose = Initial.

Student Present at Initial

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Cover Sheet, then Student = Yes, and meeting type = Initial.

Parent Present at Annual

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Cover Sheet, then Parent = Yes, and meeting type = Annual Review.

Student Present at Annual

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Cover Sheet, then Student = Yes, and meeting type = Annual Review.

GAA Flag

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Assessment Determinations for District and Statewide Assessments, then Question B = Yes.


Flows data to flow from a finalized IEP question. This field has been removed by the Georgia Department of Education and is no longer available in the IEP.

Diploma Choice

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Transition Service Plan or Service Plan field = Diploma.

Keyword Table: Diploma

Determination Dates: Initial

Initial Parent Consent to Evaluate Received (02)

Flows data from a finalized Consent to Evaluate Form, then Office Use only field.

Initial Eligibility Due Date

Indicates the field that calculates the Eligibility Due date 60 days to the Parent Consent Date.

Initial Evaluation Date (03)

Flows data from a finalized Eligibility Report Date field with a type = initial.

Initial Eligibility Date (04,11)

Flows data from a finalized Eligibility Report Date field with a type = initial and Eligibility Determination = Yes.

Initial Eligibility Determination Delay Reason

The delay reason is required when consent to eligibility determination is delayed.

Keyword Table: DelayReason

Initial IEP Due Date

Indicates the field that will add 30 days to the Initial IEP meeting date.

Initial IEP Date (05)

Flows data from a finalized IEP meeting date with a type = initial.

Date First Received Services (06)

Indicates the earliest finalized IEP, then related service date in an active IEP.

Initial Parental Placement Date

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Parent Consent for Placement form.

Initial Parent Refusal for Placement (12)

Flows data from an initial Consent to Evaluate form, then > Refusal.

Date of Initial Transition Program Development

Flows data from an initial finalized IEP, then Transition Development date.


Are extended school year services necessary

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then ESY Section, then Are extended school year services necessary = Yes.

Is specialized transportation required

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special FactorsSection, then Does the student require Specialized Transportation = Yes.

Is adapted equipment required

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special FactorsSection, then Does the student require Specialized Transportation = Yes.

Service Plan Meeting Date

Flows data from a finalized Service Plan, then Cover page, then meeting date.

Service Plan Annual Review Date

Flows data from a finalized Service Plan, then Annual Review date.

Consideration of Special Factors

Does the student have behavior which impedes learning or the learning of others

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors Section, then Does the student have behavior which impedes learning or learning of others = Yes.

Behavior Intervention Plan Developed

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Behavior Intervention Plan Developed = Yes.

Does the student have limited English proficiency

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student have Limited English Proficiency= Yes.

Does the student have blindness/visual impairment

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student have blindness/visual impairment= Yes.

Does the student have communication needs

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student have communication needs = Yes.

Is the student deaf or hard of hearing

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student have a hearing impairment= Yes.

Does the student need assistive technology devices or services

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student require assistive technology = Yes.

Does the student require an alternative format for instructional material

Flows data from a finalized IEP, then Consideration of Special Factors section, then Does the student require an alternative format of instructional materials = Yes.

Special Education Exit

Special Education Exit Date (09, 10)

Flows data from Revocation of Consent or Reevaluation Special Education Exit Date.

Special Ed Exit Reason

Keyword Table: ReleaseTable

Reporting - FTE: October Count and FTE: March Count



Various Fields

Reports data which includes Year, Report Period, Student ID, School Code, Grade Level, Program Code, Location of Enrollment, ESOL, Gender, Ethnicity, Race, withdrawal reason, diploma type, student status, environment, dob, transported, Supplemental speech segment 1, itinerant teacher segment 1, Inclusion Segment 1, hours/week, Related Hours, All special ed services, GAA Flag, Event code, etc.

Flows data to the reporting screens based on October or March values.

Reporting - Student Record



Various Fields

Reports data which includes Year, Event Codes and dates, Parent Present at Initial, Student Present at Initial, Parent Present at Annual, Student Present at Annual, and GA Test Identifier.

Section 504



504 Disability

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 Eligibility Report.

Keyword Table: Disability504

Date of Section 504 Consent to Evaluate

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 Consent to Evaluate form.

Date of Section 504 Eligibility Meeting

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 Meeting date.

Re-evaluation Due Date

Indicates the field that adds 3 years minus 1 day to the Section 504 Eligibility meeting date.

Student is eligible under Section 504

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 plan where eligibility = Yes.

Date of Section 504 Accommodation Plan

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 plan meeting date.

504 Plan Status

Indicates the field that calculates whether the plan is "Active" or "Inactive."

Manifestation Determination Review

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 Manifestation Determination form.

Section 504 Exit Date

Flows data from a finalized Section 504 Plan where eligibility = No.

Student Contacts



PowerSchool SIS

Integrates PowerSchool SIS unlimited contacts data via PowerSchool - StudentContact Import (model).

Daily script labeled Copy_Student_Contacts_Into_Students

Takes the top four contacts from the Student Contacts profile and updates the four contacts in the Demographic table.

Parent/Guardian information flows from the Demographic table to forms and reports.

Global Settings

Software menu path:Administration, then Configuration, then Profile Types, then Globals

Settings to configure the IEP form and define school year and submission dates for State reports.

Navigate to Profile Types, then (GLOBALS), then the Main menu, then the Configurable Options section

  • Default District Information, then Logo and District Personnel

  • IEPProgress: Progress Reporting (Text) or Progress Monitoring (Graph)

  • ADIntegration Enabled: Used for active directory districts

  • Minutes Per Segment: Default minutes for calculations

  • IEP IDT, then Progress IDT: Default minutes

Navigate to Profile Types, then (GLOBALS), then School/Calendar menu

  • School Calendar: The dates specified in this area determine the data generated for State reporting.

  • Model Configuration Options: Various options of the model.

Navigate to Profile Types, then (Globals), then Time Units/Conversions

  • Instructional and related service calculation settings.

Navigate to Profile types (Globals), then IEP Options

  • Default IEP Meeting Minutes section

  • Goal Style: Style 1 (Sentence) or Style 2 (Textbox)

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