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Ohio API Write-Back PowerSchool SIS Field Mapping Guide


This guide provides information for data elements that are written to PowerSchool SIS from PowerSchool Special Programs to mitigate dual data entry. The intent is to provide special education data so that all state reports can be generated for PowerSchool SIS.

Data Imports

PowerSchool SIS owns student demographic data (e.g., student name, gender, GTID). These data fields are imported into Special Programs using the Student Demographics import that can be generated manually or configured to run on a scheduled basis using an API Integration Tool. This and other Import Layouts can be found by navigating to Administration > Configuration > Integration > Import Layouts using data source type PowerSchool SIS Rest API.


Help Guides and Support are located under the

icon at the top right corner of the application.

Data Connectivity Tool (DCT) resources are located under Administration > Configuration > Integration > Select More

  1. Data Connectivity Guide – provides step-by-step instructions for setting up integration using the data connectivity tool and managing settings.

  2. Data Connectivity Tool – plug-in required for integration.

  3. Continuous Integration Settings.

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