Attachment to the Ontario Report Card Period 2
The Attachment to the Ontario Report Card Period 2 provides detailed information about the progress and achievements of a student with an IEP during the second reporting period.
Within the IEP document, navigate to Attachment to the Ontario Report Card Period 2 using the flyout menu.
The system auto-populates the following in the Student Information section:
From the Student Info profile
Student Name
Current School Year
Grade School
Date of Birth
Select the Report Date using the date picker. This is a required field.
In the Subjects/Courses section, select Course.
In the Teacher text field, enter the semester.
The Comments field will auto-populate from the Teacher column in the Subjects, Courses or Alternative Programs to which the IEP Applies section within Courses and Human Resources document.
In the Principal’s Signature field, click the lookup icon. Search and select the Principal.
In the Teacher’s Signature field, click the lookup icon. Search and select the Teacher.
Click Save, Done Editing.