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Report to Teachers

The Report to Teachers is automatically populated from information contained in the main sections of the IEP and is a communication tool that provides general education teachers with essential information about a student with disabilities. This report summarizes the student's IEP, highlighting key aspects that the teachers need to know to support the student's learning and ensure their needs are met in the classroom.

Typically, this report contains:

  • Student Information: Has basic details about the student, including their name, grade, and specific areas of need. It provides teachers with a quick reference to the student's identity and context.

  • IEP Goals and Objectives: A summary of the primary goals and objectives outlined in the student's IEP. Helps teachers understand the specific learning targets and outcomes the student is working towards.

  • Accommodations and Modifications: Has a detailed list of the accommodations (e.g., extended time on tests, preferential seating) and modifications (e.g., simplified instructions, altered assignments) that the student requires. This ensures teachers are aware of and can implement the necessary supports to help the student succeed in the classroom.

  • Specialized Instruction and Services: Has information on any specialized instruction or related services (e.g., speech therapy, occupational therapy) the student receives. This provides teachers with an understanding of additional supports the student is receiving and how these services integrate with classroom activities.

  • Behavioral Strategies and Supports: Has guidelines for managing any behavioral challenges and promoting positive behavior. Assists teachers in creating a supportive and effective learning environment for the student.

  • Assessment Information: Has details on how the student will participate in assessments and any modifications or accommodations needed. This ensures teachers are prepared to administer assessments in a way that meets the student's needs.

Some ways you can use this report:

  • Having a copy to reference in a Teacher’s dayplan

  • Having a copy to reference in a Teacher’s Supply Teacher plans

  • Providing reference copies to itinerant teachers in Elementary

  • Having a copy available for classroom team including the ECE or Educational Assistant


  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Report to Teachers using the flyout menu.

  2. In the Report to Teachers field, click the lookup icon to select the teacher you want to send the report to.

  3. The system auto-populates the following in the Student Information section:

    • From the Student Info profile

      • Student Name

      • Student Number

      • Current School Year

      • Grade School

      • Date of Birth

      • Primary Identification

      • Placement

  4. The system will auto-populate the Strengths and Needs from the Sources/Strengths/Accommodations/Assessments document.

  5. Click Save, Done Editing.

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