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Transition Plan

The Transition Plan prepares students with disabilities for life after high school. It covers post-secondary education, vocational training, employment, independent living, and community participation.

Typically, this document contains:

  • Post-Secondary Goals: Long-term goals should be based on the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests, including education, vocational training, employment, and independent living. This provides a clear direction for the student’s future and helps align educational efforts with these goals.

  • Transition Services: Coordinated activities and support are provided to help students achieve their post-secondary goals. This includes instruction, related services, community experiences, employment development, and other adult living objectives. This ensures that the student receives the necessary support and resources to successfully transition from school to adulthood.

  • Course of Study: A planned program of study that aligns with the student’s transition goals. This may include specific courses, vocational training, or other educational experiences. This ensures that the student's educational experiences are relevant and supportive of their long-term goals.

  • Annual IEP Goals: Short-term goals that are designed to support the student’s transition to post-secondary life. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This provides actionable steps that the student can take each year to progress toward their post-secondary goals.

  • Involvement of Agencies: Collaboration with outside agencies that can provide services and support to the students as they transition to adulthood. These might include vocational rehabilitation services, community-based organizations, and other service providers. By involving all relevant parties in the planning and implementation process, this ensures a seamless transition.


  1. Within the IEP document, navigate to Transition Plan using the flyout menu.

  2. The system auto-populates the following in the Student Information section:

    • From the Student Info profile

      • Student Name

      • Current School Year

      • Grade School

      • Date of Birth

  3. If you determine the student does not require support during transition, select There is no particular need for support during transition. Then click Save, Done Editing. If you determine the student requires support during transition, proceed with step 4.

  4. Select Transition Goal. The options available are:

    • Activity to Activity

    • Class to Class

    • Elementary to Secondary

    • Entry to School

    • Grade to Grade

    • School to School

    • Setting to Setting

    • Other

  5. Enter the appropriate Action required. This is a required field.

  6. Select the Person(s) Responsible. The options available are:

    • Student

    • Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

    • Special Education Resource Teacher

    • Classroom Teacher

    • Principal

    • Other

  7. Select Timeline. The options available are:

    • Grade 9

    • Grade 10

    • Grade 11

    • Grade 12

    • Grades 9 - 12

    • Age 16

    • September/October

    • January/February

    • Ongoing

    • Upon graduation

    • At exit

    • Other

  8. Enter additional Notes, if required.

  9. Click Save, Done Editing.

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