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PIMS ACT 16 captures expenditures relating to special education students. The expenditure range is based on the total cost of the student’s special education program directed by an individualized education program (IEP) for the entire school year. Expenditures vary every school year. Refer to the Pennsylvania Department of Education's PIMS manual for additional information.

Use this report to review data before the state submission. Data from this report is included in two SIS export reports.

  • PowerSchool Export > PowerSchool PA State Reporting (S_PA_SEN_SPED_X)

  • eSP Export > eSchoolPLUS Act16Category (StudentProgramStatus) 


The report covers a date range of July 1 to June 30.

The school district of residence submits the ACT 16 template.


  • The charter school reports students enrolled in a charter school.

  • 1305 (Foster Home) students are reported by the school district where the student resides with the foster parents.

  • The PA Department of Corrections Education reports students educated in state adult and state juvenile correctional facilities.

  • Students designated as Wards of State in county prisons are reported by the school district in which the prison is located.


  • The student must have an IEP implemented within the reporting range of July 1 and June 30. The date range year is calculated using the first and last in-session days for the previous school year, and the special education exit date does not exist or is greater than July 1 of the previous year.

    • Dates are set on the Calendar Information section of the Globals profile using the Teacher's Last Day of Previous School Year {LastDayInSessionLastYear} and Teacher’s First Day of Previous School Year {FirstDayInSessionLastYear} fields.

  • The student is not in a gifted program. Their primary disability is not Gifted.

Field Locations

Use the following field locations to update prerequisite data:



Special Ed Exit Date

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Special Education Information

Primary Disability

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Special Education Information

View Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click PIMS, then click PIMS Act 16.

  3. Review the report to ensure that all students with active IEPs are present and funding categories are entered.

Report Field Descriptions and Criteria

Data Element

Data Source

Type of Data Entry (Manual, SIS Integration, or Form)

Profile, Section or
Form, Section

Profile or Form Field

Keyword Table

District Code


SIS Integration


Your District's ID


School Year Date

(DateYear(Globals.FirstDayOfSchool) + "-06-30"

The year value of the student's first day of the current school year with "6-30" appended as the day and month values. For example, 2021-6-30.

Manual entry with the end-of-year rollover

Globals, School Calendar

Student's First Day of Current School Year


Student ID


SIS integration or manual entry

Students, Demographics Enrollment

PA Secure ID


Reporting Date

(DateYear(Globals.FirstDayOfSchool) + "-06-30"

The year value of the student's first day of the current school year with "6-30" appended as the day and month values. For example, 2021-6-30.

Manual entry 

Globals, School Calendar

Student's First Day of Current School Year



Fixed value: ACT16

Fixed value

Students, PIMS



Measure Type

Fixed value: COUNT

Fixed value

Students, PIMS

Measure Type


ACT 16 Fund Category


Manual entry

Students, PIMS

Category Set Code


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