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PIMS Special Education Snapshot December

December 1 Child Count (C2)

This collection is the unduplicated number of children with disabilities with a valid individualized education program (IEP) as of December 1 of the current school year. The data collected are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 618. The data is also used for monitoring the programs and activities under IDEA, the non-fiscal survey of the common core of data (local education agency (LEA) level), and by the Office for Civil Rights (School level).

The PIMS Special Education Snapshot template describes the primary details of students' participation in special education during the current school year. Special education students in school-age programs K4 – 12 who have a valid individualized education program (IEP) on December 1 will be included in the December 1 submission.

All school districts in Pennsylvania and charter schools must submit the following templates as part of the Special Education Data Collection:

  • Student

  • Special Education Snapshot

A corresponding Student template record must exist for each student record in the Special Education Snapshot. The DQE will determine if the Special Education Reporting LEA has uploaded a student record for the current school year. If no student record exists, an error report will be generated. The student records in the error report must be uploaded to the Student template before accepting the corresponding Special Education Snapshot records.


The timeline for the snapshot is December 1 of the current school year.


The report includes records from the Students table that meet the following criteria:

  • The Residency Type must be blank or not equal to Ward of State (PIMS=01).

  • The IEP Meeting Date must be before December 1 of the current school year and after December 1 of the last school year, or the Annual Review Due Date Calculation is before December 1 of the current school year and after December 1 of the previous school year.

  • The Special Ed Exit Date is blank or is after December 1 of the current school year.

  • The student's primary disability is not Gifted (keyword).

  • The student's home school is linked to the school district that matches the school district in Globals – Your District.

  • Students must not be excluded from PA state reporting.

  • Include inactive students.

Field Locations

Use the following field locations to update prerequisite data:



Residency Type

Student profile, Demographics/Enrollment/Contacts section, under Student Enrollment Information

IEP Meeting Date

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Data Workflow Chart

Special Ed Exit Date

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Special Education Information

Primary Disability

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Special Education Information

Home School

Student profile, Demographics/Enrollment/Contacts section, under Student Information

Exclude from PA State Reporting

Student profile, Eligibility section, under Special Education Information

View Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click PIMS, then click PIMS Special Education Snapshot December.

  3. Review the report to ensure that all students with active IEPs are present and funding categories are entered.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element

Data Source

Type of Data Entry (Manual, SIS Integration, or Form)

Profile, Section or Form, Section

Profile or Form Field

Keyword Table

Submitting Aun


SIS integration or manual entry


District Code


School Number

Locations code connected to Globals.ThisDistrict

SIS integration or manual entry

Location and Global, ThisDistrict

Location Code


School Year Date

(DateYear(Globals.LastDayOfSchool) + "-06-30"

The year value of the student's last day of the current school year with "6-30" appended as the day and month values. For example, 2022-6-30.

Manual entry with the end-of-year rollover

Globals, School Calendar

Student's Last Day of Current School Year




SIS integration or manual entry

Students, Demographics Enrollment

PA Secure ID


Special Education Teacher Name


Manual entry

Students, PIMS

Special Education Teacher Name

Staff Table

Primary Disability


  • School Age Evaluation Report, Exceptionality

  • School Age Reevaluation Report, Exceptionality

  • Infant/Toddler EI Eval Report

  • Preschool Early Intervention Eval report

  • Entry Withdrawal Change

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Primary Disability


Secondary Disability


  • School Age Evaluation Report, Exceptionality

  • School Age Reevaluation Report, Exceptionality

  • Entry Withdrawal Change

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Secondary Disability


Amount of Special Education


Reports PIMS value 01, 04, or 06.

IEP Placement section, B1, Amount of SE supports

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Amount of Special Education Services


Type of Support



IEP Placement section

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Type of Support


Primary Placement Type


Reports a Yes or No value.

Manual entry

Students, PIMS

Primary Placement Type


Date Exited
Special Education


When a student is determined to no longer qualify as indicated on the re-evaluation report or EWC form.

  • Re-evaluation report

  • Entry Withdrawal Change

Form to Profile

Students, Eligibility

Special Ed Exit Date


Snapshot Date


Globals- School/Calendar (Manual Update with Year-End Roll Over)
December 1 and Year = Year of "Student's First Day Of Current School Year"

Manual entry

Globals, School Calendar

PIMS Snapshot Date


Educational Environment


IEP LRE, Section A, Percentage Category

or Section B

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Educational Environment


Transition IEP Status Code


IEP Transition Planning section


Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Transition IEP Status Code


Educational Environment Percentage


IEP LRE, Section A, the Calculation value

Form to Profile


Educational Environment Percentage (School Age Program)


Reason for Exiting
Special Education


When a student is determined to no longer qualify as indicated on the re-evaluation report or EWC form, reports the PIMS code.

  • Re-evaluation report

  • Entry Withdrawal Change

Form to Profile

Students, Eligibility

Special Ed Exit Reason


LEP Status


This value is set when the student is marked as having limited English proficiency (Does the student have limited English proficiency?) on the Special Consideration section of the School Age IEP document.

  • School Age IEP (IEPGO)

  • Penn Data profile

Form to Profile

Student, PennData

Limited English Proficient


Service Provider


Reports the first nine digits of the location ID specified in the Service Provider field of the PIMS section of the Student Profile. If Service Provider is blank, report the first nine digits of the Globals "Your District's ID".


Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Service Provider


Location of Special Education Services

If Educational Environment has a value of 15 (home), the value of HOME displays in this field.

Reports the last four digits of a valid location ID from the Serving Location or Serving Location Override.

9999 and 0000 are not valid values.

Reports the building name of the Serving Location or Serving Location Override if the ID does not have an underscore and a four-digit value at the end of the field (_####), the location has a _9999 ending ID, or does not have an _ underscore at the end of the ID.

For example:

  • ID = 232323232_9999, reports building name

  • ID = 232323223_, reports building name

  • ID = 232323232_4345, reports 4345



PIMS Snapshot


Trans IEP
(Comp Int Paid Work Exp)


IEP Transition Planning section

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Trans IEP (Comp Int Paid Work Exp)


Trans IEP
(Job Coaching)


IEP Transition Planning section

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Trans IEP (Job Coaching)


Trans IEP
(Comp Int Emp Goal)


IEP Transition Planning section

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Trans IEP (Comp Int Emp Goal)


Trans IEP
(Comp Int Emp)


IEP Transition Planning section

Form to Profile

Students, PIMS

Trans IEP (Comp Int Emp)




This is a calculated field for the student's race and ethnicity. When more than one race is selected, then PA-Code 6 Multi-Racial is displayed. When more than one race is selected, and PA-Code 4 Hispanic or Latino is also selected, then PA-Code 4 Hispanic or Latino is displayed.



Students, Demographic



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