Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Education Saskatchewan (SK) provincial model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When there is a "Software menu path" link in a section, you can click that link to go to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Profile Types
The SK provincial model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Alternate Staff Locations
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
Student Information
Parent Guardian Information
Data Collection
Achievement Data
Students - Other
Achievement Data
Contact Records
Document Delivery Records
Report Card Data
Sources Consulted
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Document Templates
The SK provincial model includes the following document templates:
In School Team Meeting
Student Growth Plan
Request for Team Meeting
Invitation to Team Meeting
Record of Team Meeting
Consent to Exchange Personal Student Information
Request/Consent for Student Support Services
Academic Assessment
Followup: Invitation to Team Meeting
Followup: Record of Team Meeting
Identification, Placement, and Review Committee
Letter of Invitation
Statement of Decision
Confirmation of Continued Ident. and Placement
Request for Special Transportation
Instructional Support Plan
Safety Plan
Instructional Support Plan
Informed Consent
OSR Review
Observation Record
Summary of Involvement
Behavior Assessment and Intervention Plan
Progress Notes
BLV - Severity of Needs Worksheet
PTOT - Severity of Needs Worksheet
DHH - Severity of Needs
Individual Education Plan
Model Reports
The SK provincial model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Standard Reports
ISTM Requests
Pending Requests for Student Support Services
Status of Request for Student Support Services
Status of Consent
IPRC Meeting Requests
Scheduled IPRC Meetings
Unsigned Letters of Invitation
Pending Statement of Decision Signatures
Confirmation of Continuation
Required Confirmation of Continuation
Required Confirmation of Continuation Grade 12
Pending Parent Confirmation Signatures
Outstanding Initial IPPs
IPPs Requiring Review
CEC Reports
Review IPRC Stmt of Decision
Review IPRC Stmt of Decision ActiveOnly
Review IPRC Stmt of Decision Copy
Review IPRC Stmt of Decision Prereg Only
Review IPRC Confirmation Continued IPRC
Review Special Transportation Request
Review Demit Letter of Invitation
Special Transportation
STSYR Special Transportation Request
Batch Printing
Active IPPs for Bulk Printing
Public Student Reports
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review Stoplight
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, Advanced Reports
The SK provincial model does not include any Advanced Reports.
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, and exit reasons, etc.
Fields required for state reporting, found in the state reporting profiles, are not editable by the system administrator.
Those keyword tables that are not required for state reporting can be edited by the system administrator.
Refer to Managing Editable Keyword Tables in the System Administrator Help documentation space.
The SK provincial model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
ABA_Titles | List of Titles for ABA Facilitator Report |
ABAReportName | Applied Behaviour Analysis Report Names |
Ancestry | Contains list of Ancestry choices. |
AssessmentSummary | Values for Assessment Summary (ISTM/IEP) |
AttendeeRoles | Invitation Attendee Roles |
BLV_LevelOfSeverity | Listing of Level of Severity for BLV forms. |
BLV_ProfessionalJudgement | Blind Low Vision Professional Judgement List |
BoardStaffStudentServicesDept | List of Board Staff/Student Services Departments |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district, used to define calendar days. |
ClassYearStatus | Contains values 'past', 'current', and 'future'. Used for classes. |
CM_MethodOfContact | List of Methods of Contact for Case management Forms. |
ConsentStatus | ConsentStatus |
ContactMethod | Contact Method |
DeliveryModes | Modes of Delivery for notices |
DHH_ProJudgementFactors | DHH - List of Professional Judgement Factors |
DHH_Scores | DHH Assessment Scores |
DHH_TestAreas | DHH Test Areas for Standardized Assessments |
ElementaryCourses | Contains a list of Elementary Cources |
EnglishProficiencyLevels | English Language Proficiency Levels (for students learning English as an additional language) |
Exceptionality | Contains a list of Exceptionalities |
ExceptionalityCategory | Categories for Exceptionalities |
ExpandedCore_Areas | Expanded Core Curriculum Areas |
Grade6EQAO | Grade 6 EQAO score levels |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
Language | Contains list of languages |
LengthOfContact | List of Length of Contact for Contact Notes |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeetingTypes | Meeting Types |
Methods | Methods |
Month | Months |
OfficeUseLetterInvite | Office Use only choices for the IPRC Letter of Invitation |
OpenIDValue | PS Open ID Values |
OSR_ReviewPurposes | List of OSR Review Purposes |
OSR_ReviewServices | List of Service for OSR Review |
ParentResponses | Parent Responses |
PersonalDevelopment | Personal Development |
PhoneType | Telephone Types |
Placement | Contains list of Placement |
PlacementLocation | Placement Locations |
Program | Contains a list of Programs |
ProgSource | Contains a list of Sources for the Program Page of the IEP |
ProviderTable | ProviderTable |
Provinces | Provinces |
RelatedServices | Related Services |
Relationship | Emergency Contact relationships |
Roles | User Roles in TIENET |
ServiceCategory | Services For Service Capture |
Services | List of services |
Services2 | List of services, some not included in "Services" |
SeverityOfNeedsScores | Score Values for Severity of Needs |
SexTable | Contains an entry for each sex. |
SOI_Services | List of Services for Summary of Involvement document |
SourceOfRequest | Source of request for the In-School Team Meeting Process |
SpEdExitReason | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
SpedType | SpedType |
TestAdministered | Tests Administered in Educational Assessment Form |
Timeframe | Timeframe for IEP Goal Wizard |
TimeOfDay | time of day (am/pm) |
TransitionResponsibility | List of individuals responsible for Transition Actions |
TransPlanInfo | Transportation Plan Information values |
Years | Years |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall SK provincial model:
Active Document
Document Delivery
Contact Log
Goal Wizard
Transfer Package