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Edit Keyword Tables

You must sign in as an administrator to edit keyword tables.

  1. From the Administration menu, click Configuration.
  2. Click Keyword Tables.
  3. Click the View icon (magnifying glass) for the keyword table.
  4. Choose from the following options:

    The options available depend on the properties of the keyword table. Additionally, some tables are not editable or have limited edit options.

    • Select Configuration Task - log a description of your changes and a reason for the changes.
    • Edit Table - modify table information. Depending on the table, you can edit, add, delete, or move rows and columns.
      • Add New Field/Column - add a new field to the keyword table.
    • Table Properties - edit the keyword table name, description, and options.
    • Set Auto-Sort - specify the Sort Fields and sort order.
    • Add Translation - select a Language to add a translation for the keyword. After choosing the language, update the new translation column.
    • Delete Table - remove the keyword table.
  5. Click Finish Editing to save changes.

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