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Data Dictionary Overview

The data dictionary contains the list of defined database fields and their properties.

Access the data dictionary through Profile Types or Document Templates.

  1. Open the profile type or document template.
  2. Click the Fields tab.
  3. Review the field information.
    • Field Name: Each field has a unique name for the profile type. A field name can be 20 characters long with letters, digits, and the underscore character.
    • Data Type (Length): Each field stores a specific type of data. Some data types also have a maximum field length, such as the Character data type. 
    • Properties: This column shows the properties of each database field.
    • Custom Field: Fields added locally by the school district are custom fields. The school district administrator can delete or modify custom fields only as these are not used on state- or federally-mandated reports.

    • Attributes: This column shows the attributes associated with each field. Attributes are customizable, and new ones can be defined and associated with fields for categorization and field-level security.

Data Types

Each field in the data dictionary has a data type that identifies the kind of information it stores.

Data TypeDescriptionFormat on Profile Section
ID (Length)Most profile types include an ID field that serves as the system-wide unique identifier for profiles of that type. The length is the maximum character count allowed in the field.Text box, if editable
Character (Length)Stores a single line of text with a maximum number of characters. The maximum number is specified in the field definition when the field is created or modified. Use character fields to store information like names, addresses, phone numbers, and ZIP codes. Text box
LogicalStores a yes or no value. You might use this field to identify whether a student is low-income or receives a particular service. Checkbox or a drop-down
DateStores a date.Text box with a link to a calendar
Date/TimeStores a date and time (hours and minutes).
IntegerStores a number with no decimal places. Text box

Stores a number that can include decimal places. Numeric fields do not store leading zeros.

Not all numbers should go into numeric field types. For example, ZIP codes beginning with a zero are stored without the leading zero. Also, if numbers in this field will not include decimal places, use the integer data type instead. 

Text box
Short Text (Length)

Stores multiple lines of text with a maximum number of characters. As with a character field, the maximum number of characters is specified as part of the field's definition. 

Multi-line text box
Long Text

Stores an unlimited amount of text. Use long text fields sparingly as they can cause a decrease in server performance.

Long text fields are available only on document templates.

Multi-line text box
Profile Reference

References a profile of another profile type. For example, the student profile might have a Staff Reference field to identify the student's case manager and a Location Reference field to identify the student's home school. 

Text box with a search link
Keyword SelectionContains a single value selected from a pre-defined list of possible values, such as Gender, Ethnic, or Grade Level. Keyword tables populate the values for selection or multiple-value fields.Drop-down 
ImageStores a web-ready image type (GIF, JPG, or PNG). For example, a student photo.
Multiple-Value Field

A multiple-value field is a field that can store more than one value, and each value has a name associated with it. For example, you have a logical, multiple-value field called EducPlanWaivers. Each individual value stored in this field is associated with a specific name defined as keywords in an associated keyword table. 


Quick Search

Fields appear on the quick search form and contain a database index to improve searches.

Organizational Parent Reference

Fields control organizational security. In other words, the value of this field in a profile determines where that profile is located for security purposes.

Assessment Filter Field

Fields are used as an analytical field in the assessment repository.

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