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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of July 05, 2021.

New Features and Enhancements


Release Note

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Digital Signature

Special Programs Digital Signature is a legally compliant electronic signature feature that enables staff, parents, students, and other required signers to sign documents electronically within Special Programs.

Your state model must be configured to use Special Programs Digital Signature. State model updates are targeted for future releases.

Configure Digital Signature

Add and Send Signature Requests with Digital Signature

Sign a Document Using Digital Signature

Formula LanguageA new formula editor is available throughout the system to assist users with creating and editing selection criteria and other formulas. The editor provides recommendations appropriate to the formula or selection criteria as you enter the text.Formula Editor
Immersive Reader

Canada-based, hosted customers now have access to Immersive Reader. Immersive Reader improves accessibility to documents, messages, and other key areas for all Special Programs users. This tool includes features like text-to-speech, translations, a picture dictionary, and line item focus.

Canada-based, on-premise customers can enable Immersive Reader using the one-time installer. The installer download site includes a Read Me file with installation instructions.

Immersive Reader Demonstration Video
Schoology Integration

Special Programs now offers an integration with Schoology that gives system administrators and instructors access to review Special Programs student alerts, educational plans, accommodations, and documents within Schoology. 

This integration requires corresponding changes to be released soon in Schoology. Documentation will be available once the integration is available in Schoology.

Resolved Issues


Release Note

Advance Quick Search

Resolved an issue where performing an advanced search based on Service Records or other child profiles may cause an error.

Document Creation

Resolved an issue affecting the California model where adding a label to the Assessment Planning document was causing an incorrect validation message: “Label must include text from any dropdown menu item.”

Formula Language

The SectionCompleted function now works for repeating sections. When using SectionCompleted on repeating sections, the function returns true only if the repeating section is included in the document and every instance of the repeating section is completed.

PowerSchool SIS and eSchoolPlus Integrations

In some instances, refreshing a student's information from PowerSchool SIS or importing a student from eSchoolPlus SIS was causing a server error. This is now resolved.


Resolved an error that may occur when certain document reports were used as the basis for bulk printing documents. The error was limited to reports that use the "Include Only the Most Recent Document Per Student (Include only the Most Recent Documents Within Selection Criteria)" option in conjunction with very specific report criteria.

Standard Report

Resolved an issue where a multi-dimensional report uploaded as an XML report definition to the database could go to the error page when subsequently viewed.

System Administration Utilities

Resolved an error that may occur under very specific conditions when restoring a student from the profile archive.

SQL Server Support

On-premise customers, Special Programs no longer supports SQL Server 2014. Certification for SQL Server 2019 support is expected to be complete with

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