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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of September 2, 2022.

New Features and Enhancements


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Digital Signature

You will now receive a message directing you to contact your District Administrator if a Digital Signature request document has been deleted or a student profile has been archived or deleted.

Digital Signature

There is now a selection to notify staff when a signed document is updated on the Digital Signature Settings page. With this new setting, you can choose whether to display the message that the document was modified after it was signed at the document level.

Configure Digital Signature
Digital Signature

The initial signer's responses are now shown in the document's view, edit, and print modes when the signing process is finished, even if many signers provide responses for a shared region. The responses from each signer remain in the PDFs.

Send Signed PDF
Student Transfer

Student transfer envelopes now expire after ten days. Previously they expired after seven days.

Resolved Issues


Release Note

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DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Upgrade

Resolved an issue where staff accounts were receiving an error when updating DocuSign access. Updating admin user access is working as expected.

Resolved Issues - DocuSign

Resolved an issue caused by a third-party document management partner that prevented DocuSign users from checking boxes or seeing the signature icon on the document.

Student Caseload

Resolved an issue caused by staff having a large number of students in their caseload. Staff members can now create multiple caseload groups to help manage their caseloads. Four hundred initial students are listed on the homepage. 

Manage Caseloads
Student Profile Archive

Resolved an error that prevented restoring archived student profiles.

Student Transfer

To generate a student transfer envelope, a staff member must have the privilege to view the child profiles. These child profiles should be added to the Transfer Notification security group. When creating a transfer envelope, staff members cannot access or select child profiles that they do not have the privilege to view.

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