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Special Programs Plugin

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Before integrating PowerSchool SIS and Special Programs, you must create a Special Programs plugin and install it to PowerSchool SIS.

Create the Plugin in Special Programs

Sign in to Special Programs as an administrator.

  1. From the Administration menu, click Configuration.
  2. Navigate to the Integration tab.
  3. Click More… and choose Continuous Integration Settings.
  4. If applicable, select a configuration task.
    1. If no configuration task exists, click Add New Task.
  5. Click Add Instance.
  6. From Data Source Type, choose PowerSchool SIS Rest API.
  7. Enter an Instance ID and Instance Name to identify the SIS instance.

    If you integrate multiple SIS instances, the Instance ID must be unique. Instance IDs are only used in Special Programs and do not need to match anything in PowerSchool SIS.

  8. In External System Version, enter the current PowerSchool SIS version.
  9. Enter the Data Source Name.
    • New integrations: enter temporary as the source name. After installing the plugin, you will update the data source with the PowerSchool SIS server URL and access codes.
    • Existing integrations: enter the full PowerSchool SIS server URL and access codes.
  10. To include the district office in queries for staff information, select District Office.
  11. Enter a Notification Email Address for the person receiving status and error information.
  12. Click Accept.

Download the Plugin

  1. Click the download icon.
  2. Enter the PowerSchool Version.
  3. Choose the Plugin Link Text. This text appears in the PowerSchool SIS user interface for single sign-on into Special Programs. The default is Special Programs.

  4. Select the plugin options:

    • Show Reports Tab in Admin Portal – indicates that a Special Programs reports tab will be available in PowerSchool SIS. You can configure reports in Special Programs to display a link in the PowerSchool SIS report page to launch a tab directly to the report.

    • Support Parent Portal Integration – allows access to additional PowerSchool SIS fields that Special Programs can use to integrate with the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal. A single sign-on link to Special Programs is included for parent users.

    • Support Student Portal Integration – allows access to additional PowerSchool SIS fields that Special Programs can use to integrate with the PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal. A single sign-on link to Special Programs is included for student users.

    • Support Student Alerts – generates a schema plugin ZIP file that adds eight alert fields for students. PowerSchool configures Special Programs state and province models to populate these alert fields.

    • Support On-Demand Import of Profiles – only import students currently in Special Programs instead of importing all students into the GeneralEdStudents profile. When adding a new student, the administrator can immediately choose a student in PowerSchool SIS to import into Special Programs (on-demand).

    • Search Students by State ID – indicates that state student IDs are used, and searching for on-demand imports should use the state ID field in PowerSchool SIS.

  5. Click Generate Plugin File(s) to save the options and generate the plugin ZIP file.

  6. Click the Download PowerSchool Plugin File and save the file to a place where you can easily access it.

Install Plugin to PowerSchool SIS

If this is your first time loading the Special Programs plugin, follow these steps to install. Otherwise, skip the install steps and update the plugin with the new version to retain your client ID and secret.

Install the Plugin

Sign in to PowerSchool SIS Admin.

  1. On the PowerSchool SIS start page, choose System from the main menu.
  2. Click System Settings, and choose Plugin Management Configuration.

  3. On the Plugin Management Configuration page, click Install.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Choose File to select the plugin installation file to install.
    • Click Browse... to browse for the plugin.
  5. Select the plugin file, then click Install.

  6. On the Plugin Management Configuration page, Enable the PowerSchool Special Education plugin.
  7. On the confirmation prompt, click Enable to agree.

  8. On the Plugin Management Configuration page, click the PowerSchool Special Education link.
  9. Click Data Configuration to access the Client ID and Client Secret.

Update Client ID and Secret in Special Programs

  1. Log on to Special Programs as a system administrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, click Configuration.
  3. Navigate to the Integration tab.
  4. Click More… and choose Continuous Integration Settings.
  5. Click the edit icon (pencil) for the integration instance.
  6. In Data Source, enter the PowerSchool SIS server URL, the client ID, and the client secret. Use a semicolon to separate the data. Do not put spaces around the semicolons. For example, SIS Server URL;ClientID;ClientSecret.
  7. Click Accept.

Rebuild Custom Page Links in PowerSchool SIS

  1. On the PowerSchool SIS start page, choose System from the main menu.
  2. Click Special Operations.

  3. Under Operation, choose Rebuild custom Page links.
  4. Click Submit.

Update the Plugin in PowerSchool SIS

If the plugin already exists in PowerSchool SIS, you can update the plugin and retain your client ID and secret.

  1. On the PowerSchool SIS start page, choose System from the main menu.
  2. Click System Settings, and choose Plugin Management Configuration.

  3. Click the PowerSchool Special Education link.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Choose File to select the plugin installation file to install.
    • Click Browse... to browse for the plugin.
  6. Click Submit.

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