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Workflow Case Type Planning Tool

Use this planning tool to help you plan out your workflow case types before you build them in your Special Programs database.

Decide what workflow case types to build first:

  • What workflows or processes do you need to help your staff follow? Are there documents or steps that your staff tends to forget? Are there compliance issues you can address with workflow cases?

  • Workflow case types can be flexible and configured to track dates, document status, or profile or document field values to automatically move a case through steps. You can also set up a step that needs to be manually updated if the data is not in the system or that counts down to a target date.

  • Consider starting with one or two simple workflows with 3 to 5 steps or events to be completed in the process (you can have up to 16 steps in a case type, but that may not be very user-friendly). When you see how the case types work, then you can add more complexity.

  • The model teams will be working on designing, building, and deploying default workflow case types for different state or province models in future model releases. Initial, annual, and reevaluation IEP workflows are likely candidates for model workflow case types. Once a model case type is deployed in a model release for your model, you can copy and tweak that case type for your district (targeted for

  • Before configuring a case type, outline your process by determining the events or steps in the process, what needs to happen at each step (step completion criteria), and by when, if applicable (a target date or several days after a start date). Use the following pages to help you.

Case Type Tips

  • As a system admin, you can create a case type for any workflow or process in your district.

  • The workflow case feature won't appear to users until at least one case type is active.

  • No case types will appear to anyone else until you change their status to be active.

  • Add user-friendly text and instructions in every Description field.

  • Unique IDs starting with PS are managed by PowerSchool (don't use PS in your IDs).

  • Consider bulk-creating cases when you are ready.

  • Set up "Next Case" to auto-create a case when another case is completed.

  • Look up the report-building topics in Help to learn how to create formulas and expressions.

Workflow Case Type Planning Tool


Category: (existing category or add a new one)

Case Type Name:

Unique ID: (up to 10 characters and no spaces, don't start with "PS").


Precondition Criteria: (Expression must evaluate as true or false, where false will prevent the case creation and will make the validation message appear, example: Age <= 13).

Validation Message: (shown to the user when a precondition is not met, for example, the student must be under 14 years old for this type of workflow case.)

Document Templates: (choose from a menu of document templates in the model to add new documents or placeholder documents when a case is created – can be added later in the configuration process or manually after a case is created.)

Next Case: (optionally choose a case type to automatically create the next case for a student after this case is completed successfully, for example, annual Review after Initial Review or Reevaluation.)

Edit Security:

Security Group



Manually Adjust Steps

Close/Reopen Workflow Case

Delete Workflow Case


Use the Add Document Template menu to choose from the document templates in the model and/or your database. Default Included means the document template will be listed in the case type and selected by default. Create Immediately means that a new document will be created and included in the case when the case is created. Document templates with Default Included selected but not Create Immediately will appear as placeholder documents in italics in a case, indicating that the document is not yet created but can be when needed. If neither is checked, the document template will not appear in the case, but users can still add documents manually.

Look up the Document Template IDs of the documents related to this case type to have them on hand when building expressions for criteria. Alternatively, go to the Administration menu, select Configuration, and then select Document Templates and print the page for your reference. That page shows the Template ID for each template.

Document Template

Document Template ID

Default Include

Create Immediately


Add up to 16 workflow steps in a case type, though 5-7 is more common and likely more user-friendly.

For each workflow step (copy this page as needed):


Unique ID: (10 characters, no spaces, don't start with "PS.")

Description: (add user-friendly description of what needs to happen to complete this step.)

Metric Type: None Target Date Days Until (Calendar) Days Until (In Session) .

Date Expression: (must evaluate as a date, example: AnnRevDueDate.)

Color Thresholds: (disable some to use fewer thresholds/colors, counts down to date.)

Dark Green






Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable






Step Completion Criteria: (use Formula Builder, Functions, or Fields to build an expression that evaluates as True/False so when the expression evaluates as True, then the step is completed, and the case moves on to the next step.)

Step Completion Criteria Description: (user-friendly description of Step Completion Criteria) [ ] Prevent Manual Completion Check to disallow users from manually moving cases to this step.

Early Workflow Case Termination Criteria: (build an expression that evaluates as True/False, when True, then the case is set to Terminate when case evaluation is triggered.)

Early Workflow Case Termination Criteria Description: (user-friendly description of early workflow case termination criteria.)


Add admin-defined metrics in the Workflow Case Window, along with the Creation Date, Step Target Date, and Documents (number of).

Metric ID: (Up to 10 characters, no spaces, don't start with "PS.")

Data Label: (User-friendly label for metric.)

Metric Tool Tip: (text to appear when a user hovers over the metric.)

Data Expression: (must evaluate as a value to appear, such as a date or a profile field value, for example, SpEdEvaluationDates[Referral.])

Metric ID: (Up to 10 characters, no spaces, don't start with "PS")

Data Label: (User-friendly label for metric.)

Metric Tool Tip: (text to appear when a user hovers over the metric.)

Data Expression: (must evaluate as a value to appear, such as a date or a profile field value.)

Metric ID: (Up to 10 characters, no spaces, don't start with "PS")

Data Label: (User-friendly label for metric.)

Metric Tool Tip: (text to appear when a user hovers over the metric.)

Data Expression: (must evaluate as a value to appear, such as a date or a profile field value.)

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