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Set Up Workflow Case Types

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Add or Edit Workflow Case Types

Use the Workflow Case Management Planning Tool to help you outline your workflow case types before you enter them into the system.

  1. Log in as System Administrator and navigate to Administration > Configuration > Workflow Case Types.
  2. Click Add New Workflow Case Types, or select a workflow case and click Edit Properties.
  3. In the Workflow Properties screen, choose a Category for the case workflow, and enter the identifying information for the case.

    Unique ID max character length of 10. Do not start the ID with "PS". PowerSchool uses PS to identify PowerSchool created IDs.
  4. Enter the Precondition criteria that the student must meet for a case to be created for them if applicable.
  5. Enter the Validation Message that will display when the precondition is not met.
  6. Choose the workflow case type Status. At least one workflow case type must be set to Active before workflow case management features will appear for staff.

  7. To add more case types, select Create a new case after completion of this case and choose the Case Type.

Select Documentation Templates

  1. Click Documents.
  2. Select the Document Template and click Add.

    Select Default Included to include the document in the case type as a default. This does not prevent new or existing documents from being added to the case.

Add Workflow Steps

Use the workflow steps to configure the documents and step metrics you need to manage the workflow cases in your district. You can configure up to 16 workflow steps for each case type.

  1. Click Workflow Steps.
  2. Enter the step Name, Unique ID, Description, and Step Metrics.

Add Quick Info Metrics

Quick info metrics are viewed on the Workflow Case Status dialog box.

  1. Click Quick Info Metrics.
  2. Enter a Metric ID and Data Label.
  3. Enter the Metric Tool Tip you would like displayed.
  4. Enter a Data Expression.
  5. Click Accept.

Manage Workflow Case Type Security

Security rights must be set up for each Workflow Case Type individually.

  1. Navigate to the Workflow Case Type Security window using one of the following methods:
    • From the Workflow Case Types tab, click the lock icon in the first column of the Workflow Case Type whose security permissions you want to configure.
    • From the Workflow Case Type Properties, Documents, Workflow Steps, or Quick Info Metrics tabs, click Edit Security.
  2. Select the rights that you want to assign to members within each security group, and Save Changes.
  3. Click the Workflow Case Types link in the navigation path at the top of the window to return to the Workflow Case Types tab.

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