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Create a Document

As you create the document, you may see on-screen messages to assist you in creating compliant documents. These guided actions are configured to provide intelligent, context-sensitive explanations within the various document templates to guide you through completing documents in a compliant manner.

  1. Search for and select a student on the My Students panel.
  2. Click the documents icon for the student.
  3. Select the type of document you want to create using one of the following methods:
    • Select the document from the Create New Document drop-down menu and click Go. You can type the first few letters to locate a specific type of document quickly, and you can also bookmark frequently-used documents, so they appear at the top of the list. You can organize bookmarks by clicking the gear icon and using the up and down arrows to change the order in which they appear in the list
    • Click the + icon in the document category header and select the document in the New Document window. Note that the document drop-down list will be filtered to show only documents in that category so you can quickly choose the document you want.
      If you do not see the type of document you want to create in the list, click Show All Categories.

      A warning appears if you try to create a new document and there is an existing document of that type that has not been finalized. You can choose to open that document and set the unfinalized document's status to Final before creating a new version.

  4. Define the required document setup information. The type of document you create may have been configured to use the simplified or full document setup screen.

    • If the simplified document setup appears, specify an optional label or comment for the document and click New.

    • Click the additional settings >> link to switch between simplified and full document setup.

    • If the full document setup appears, you can specify a comment, add a label, select the sections to include in the document, and copy information from an existing form. Make your selections, and then click New. The option to copy information from a previous document is only available for certain types of documents.

  5. If you selected Copy information from another (previous) document, select the appropriate options on the subsequent screens for selecting the document and sections you want to copy information from.

  6. Complete the fields in the section you are working on. Fields that are highlighted in red are required.

  7. If you want to add information for another document section, click Save, Done Editing. The section is marked as complete, and a checkmark icon appears next to the section name.
  8. Select the next section you want to work on from the drop-down menu.

Repeat Steps 6 - 8 until you have completed the document sections.

Narrative Text Area

Certain document sections will contain narrative text areas.

You can select a statement for this area from a statement bank.

  1. Click the icon for a narrative text area to display a list of pre-entered statements. By default, Public Statements (general) is selected in the Owner field.
  2. If the statement you want to insert is not in the bank that appears, select another bank from the Owner field. Depending on how the system has been configured, you may find additional categories of statements and Personal Statements available from this field.
  3. To insert statements into the narrative text box, click the statement. A line is drawn through the statement after you select it to indicate it has been used. You can remove a statement by clicking it again.
  4. Click Close at the top of the window to close the list of statements.

  5. After you have inserted statements from the statements bank, you can add to or edit the resulting text.
  6. When you finish your work on the section, click Save, Done Editing.

Add an Event

  1. To view the events for a student, display the student's profile or documents, and then click the Events tab.
  2. Click New Event.
  3. Enter the subject and a detailed description of the event.
  4. To link the event to a document and provide a direct link in messages, select the document from the Link event to document menu.
  5. To notify other users of the event, specify their User IDs in Send a Notification Message To. To look up a person's User ID, click the Staff button.
  6. Click Accept.

Spell Check

Spell-check all narrative areas in the document.

  1. Click the spell check icon next to the Cancel Editing button. You can alternatively spell check individual narrative text boxes by clicking the spell check icon above each box.
  2. If the spell checker finds a word you know is correct, add the word to your dictionary by clicking the Add User Word button.

  3. Select Spell Check Entire Document from the More drop-down menu. Note that this option does not appear when you are editing a document. Assuming the current section is not the first section in the document, you will also find a Spell Check from This Section to End of Document option in the same menu.

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