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Digital Signature Documents Utility

Use the Digital Signature Documents utility to review and manage documents sent for Digital Signature. Access to this utility is based on your district's configuration and your permissions.

Edit Digital Signature Requests

  1. From the Administration menu, click Utilities.
  2. In the Select Utility field, choose Digital Signature Documents.
  3. To filter the results:
    • Select a filter type and enter the criteria.
    • Select Needs My Signature to display only documents that need your signature.
  4. To take action on a single document:
    1. From the document's Options menu, choose a document action.
  5. To take action on multiple documents:
    1. Select the documents. You can choose Select All Filtered Records or manually select each document.
    2. From the page Options menu, choose an action.

Action Status Report

Use the Action Status Report to view the status of Digital Signature actions.

  1. From the page Options menu, choose Action Status Report.
  2. To filter the results, select a filter type and enter the criteria.
  3. Click the number of documents for the action to review document information.

Document Actions



Accept Signatures

Complete the signing process even when signers have not signed. Pending signers will no longer be able to sign the document.

Available when the signing status is Sent or Processing.

Void Signatures

Void the Digital Signature request.

Available when the signing status is Sent or Processing.

Sign Document

Sign documents that need your signature.

Available when the signing status is Sent or Processing, and the user is a signer with a status of Sent or Processing. Document-level only.

Send Reminder

Available when the signing status is Sent or Processing, and one or more signers have a status of Sent.

Download Attachments

Download existing document attachments in a ZIP file, including the signed document and certificate of completion. 

Available when the signing status is Completed. Document-level only.

Send Signed Document

Available when the signing status is Completed. Document-level only.

Send Certificate of Completion

Available when the signing status is Completed. Document-level only.

Send Signed Document in English

Sends the signed document to all signers in English.

Available when the signing status is Completed and a signer signed in a language other than English.

Send Signed Document in Signer's Language

Sends the signed document in each signer's language, including English.

Available when the signing status is Completed and a signer signed in a language other than English.

Send Certificate of Completion in English

Sends the Certificate of Completion to all signers in English.

Available when the signing status is Completed and a signer signed in a language other than English.

Send Certificate of Completion in Signer's Language

Sends the Certificate of Completion in each signer's language, including English.

Available when the signing status is Completed and a signer signed in a language other than English.

Document Status Reference



ProcessingThe request is processing and notifications are not sent.
SentRecipients have been sent a notification email to sign the document.
SignNowSigners are currently signing the document using Sign Now.
CompletedAll signers have signed the document, and the system has completed the signing process.
VoidedThe sender has voided the signature request.
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