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Install the Scoring Tool

The Scoring Tool is an application that allows you to scan student responses into the assessment administration using a scanner (or the keyboard). Once you download and install the Scoring Tool application on your local hard drive, you can use it each time you score an assessment. You do not need to install it again.

The Scoring Tool Plus is a Smart Client, which means that it is self-updating. Once installed, the application will check occasionally to see if there is a newer version available and then offer the user the choice to download and install the new version, if one is available.


  • You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer to install the Scoring Tool.
  • The Microsoft .NET Framework package must be installed on your computer. The .NET framework is a free software component from Microsoft that enables software applications developed using Microsoft .NET to run locally on your computer. If it has not previously been installed, you can download and install it when you select to install the Scoring Tool.

Install the Scoring Tool

  1. Log in to PowerSchool Special Programs using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  2. If you are a teacher (with access to classes on your home page), click the name of any class on your home page, and then when the class roster appears, click the Student Assessment tab, and then click Download Scoring Tool.
    If you have administrative access, select Assessment Administrations from the Assessment menu, and then select Download/Install Scoring Tool from the Moreā€¦ menu.
    • If neither of these options is available, contact your system administrator.
  3. The Download / Install Scoring Tool screen appears. If the Microsoft .NET Framework package is not currently installed on your computer, click Download Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable Package to obtain it. Otherwise, proceed to step 4.
  4. Click Install Scoring Tool Plus to download the installation package for the Scoring Tool.
    • If the listed components are already installed, you can click the launch link to launch the application.
    • Otherwise, click the Install button to install the prerequisites and run the application.
  5. When the Application Install screen appears, click Install to install the Scoring Tool application.

If you have a license key for the Plain Paper Scanning Plus Module, refer to Install the Plain Paper Scanner Plus Module.

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