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Progress Monitoring Groups

Create a Progress Monitoring Group

  1. Select Assessment  > Progress Monitoring.
    • Teachers can access progress monitoring groups for their classes by going to their class and selecting the Student Assessment tab.
  2. If you have access to only one location, the location will be pre-selected. However, if you have broader access, you will need to select a location from this drop-down. If the location does not appear in the menu, click Show All Locations.
  3. In the Group Name field, enter a descriptive name for the group.

  4. On the Add Students to Group page, use either the quick search form or an advanced search form to find the students you want to add to the group.

  5. Select the checkbox for students you want to add, and then click Add Students Checked Below to Group.
  6. Continue searching and adding until you have added all the students, and then use the navigation trail to exit to the progress monitoring group.
  7. Review the list of students and make sure it is correct.

    • You can select Add Students to Group or Remove Students from Group from the More... menu to make changes.

Use a Previously Created Group

  1. Display the Progress Monitoring Group.
  2. Click Set Progress Monitoring Options.

  3. Complete the fields on the Set Progress Monitoring Options menu.
    Set Progress Monitoring Options Pop-Up Field Descriptions
    • Initial Intervention Label: Enter a short label or description for the intervention or strategy that will be used initially during the progress monitoring period.
    • Assessment: Choose the curriculum-based management (CBM) assessment that you will use to monitor progress.
      • The options are drawn from the curriculum-based management probe assessments that have been set up in the assessment library.
      • The Ad-hoc Probe option located at the bottom of the page allows you to do progress monitoring without using a CBM assessment definition. 
    • Time Frame
      • Starting Week: Select the week that the intervention and progress monitoring will begin.
      • Duration: Select the number of weeks that the intervention and progress monitoring is expected to last.
    • Probe Frequency: Specify how often progress monitoring will occur, for example, Once Every Two Weeks.
    • Alert When? If a student falls below the goal line for the number of weeks specified here, an "alert" will be placed on the student. Students with alerts are highlighted in red, and a report can be generated by listing students with alerts.
    • Default Goal Target: Allows you to establish a default goal for all students in the group. Goals for individual students in the group can be set later to override the default. Note that if an assessment definition was selected (versus the "Ad-hoc Probe" option), parameters set up in the assessment definition will be used to populate the choices for the default goal target.
  4. Click OK. The progress monitoring data grid reflects the parameters you selected when starting progress monitoring, including the starting week, probe frequency, and duration.
  5. To set individual goals for some students, click Set Individual Student Targets.

  6. On the individual student targets screen, you can override the default goal and set goals for individual students. Click OK.

  7. On the Progress Monitoring Group page, enter scores.
    • To enter scores for a particular date, click Enter Scores for Date and click the date.
    • If the date is today, click Enter Scores for Today.
    • Alternatively, you can use the menu in the header of each interval column to enter scores for that interval.
  8. Fill in the scores for that date and click Save at the top of the column.
  9. Review the saved scores in the column with an indication of the specific date on which each score was collected. If a student falls below the goal line for the number of weeks specified in the progress monitoring options, the student will be highlighted in red.

  10. To see the progress monitoring chart for a student, click the chart icon next to that student's name. The chart shows the individual points, the goal line, and (if there are a sufficient number of points since the initial or previous intervention) the trend line.

  11. Use the navigation trail to exit back to the group.

Over time, a red alert will be placed on students who fall below the goal line a sufficient number of times. If you wish to start a new intervention for students who have not responded to the original or previous intervention, click the column header of the interval in which the new intervention will start, and then click the Start New Intervention/Strategy link in the Enter Scores for Day drop-down menu.

A typical scenario is to split the students who have not responded to the original or previous intervention into another group for more intensive intervention. In this case, you will name the new intervention, name the new group, check off the students you want to include in the new group, and then click Accept.

Once the goal is met for a student, a Mark Goal as Met link appears in the Goal column. Click the link to mark the goal as met for this student, and then click OK. The next time you work with this group, this student will be moved to the bottom of the list (making it easier to focus on students who have not yet met their goal).

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