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Publish Standard Reports

If you have security permissions to administrate public standard reports, you can also publish a public standard report to the home pages of users in one or more security groups, either district-wide or at specified locations. The report will appear as a link on the home pages of these users as if they had subscribed to the report. In version 19.11 and greater, when publishing list reports to specified security groups, you also have the option to send users an email with a link to the report on specific days.

  1. View the report that you want to publish.
  2. Click Publish.
  3. Select where you want to publish the report.
    • Select a location from the drop-down menu.
    • To publish the report to one or more security groups district-wide, select System-wide from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the security groups for the users on whose home page you want to show the report.
    • If the security group(s) do not appear, check the security of the report or the privileges of those groups. You can only publish to security groups that have access to the report.
  5. In the Email Options section, you can optionally select the days on which you would like users to receive an email with a hyperlink directly to the report.
    1. The behavior of the email depends on whether the "Notification Report: Show Row Count on Home Page" option is set in the report's selection criteria.
      • If the option is set, users will receive an email only if the report has one or more data rows, and the email will indicate the number of data rows that are in the report.
      • If the option is not set, users will always receive an email, regardless of how many data rows are in the report.
    2. In version 19.11.3 and later, you can additionally select the Schedule Type (None, Days of Week, or Day of Month) to set up a more specific schedule for sending the email.
  6. Save your selections.
    • If you are setting up publishing for multiple locations, you can click Save to remain on this page so that you can switch to another location, and then click Save and Exit when you are finished.
    • To save your selections and return to the report, click Save and Exit.

If you later want to end publishing of the report for all security groups and locations, return to the page and click Unpublish All Groups.

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