Analysis of Existing Data (AED)
Analysis of Existing Data
Select a student on the Students panel.
Click the Documents icon for the student.
From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Analysis of Existing Data (AED) under Part B: Referral, and click Go.
Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.
In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:
From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile:
From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:
From the Special Education Part B profile:
Date Sent: The system populates the date upon finalization of the document.
Case Manager
Last Eligibility Meeting Date
Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date
If the Referral Reason = Initial Evaluation for the student, the system uses the text in the paragraph and auto-populates the date the LEA received the student referral from the student's Referrals Part B profile.
The system auto-populates the Reason for Initiating Process based on the Referral Reason selection in the student's Referrals Part B profile.
The user can set a value for each field that appears on-screen for current special education and related services based upon the selection of referral reason.
If Reason for Referral = Reevaluation-Parent/LEA Request for the student, the system auto-populates the Current Special Education and Related Services (not the Consultation Services) from the most recent finalized IEP document. User cannot add, edit, or delete this section. This section will be read-only.
If Reason for Referral = Initial Evaluation or Part C to Part B Transition for the student, the system does not display any fields related to the current special education and related services for the student.
If Reason for Referral = Out of State IEP for the student, the system does not flow any service data to the student's Profile, Part B IEP Services upon finalization of the document.
In the Current Special Education section, select a value for each of the following fields:
Begin Date
End Date
Duration (Hours, Minutes, or both)
Group Size
Provider Name: Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function, or type a free-form name, and click non-lookup. This field is not required if it is not assigned to a staff member at the time of the development of the IEP document.
Provider Position: The system auto-populates the position of the staff member selected in the lookup field. If a non-lookup or the Provider Name value is blank, the system will provide a drop-down list to select from the StaffPosition keyword table.
In the Current Related Services section, select a value for each of the following fields:
Begin Date
End Date
Duration (Hours, Minutes, or both)
Provider Name: Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function or type a free-form name, and click non-lookup. This field is not required if it is not assigned to a staff member at the time of the development of the IEP document.
Provider Position: The system auto-populates the position of the staff member selected in the lookup field. If a non-lookup or the Provider Name value is blank, the system will provide a drop-down list to select from the StaffPosition keyword table.
The user can set the classroom accommodations or modifications needed and state testing accommodations for the student based upon the selection of referral reason.
If the Reason for Referral = Reevaluation-Parent/LEA Request for the student, the system auto-populates all the values selected in the student's Profile, Classroom Accommodations Part B. Each value appears in a row with a bullet beside each.
If Reason for Referral = Initial Evaluation or Part C to Part B Transition for the student, the system does not display any fields related to the classroom accommodations or modifications needed and state testing accommodations for the student.
If Reason for Referral = Out of State IEP for the student, the system does not flow any service data to Classroom Accommodations profile (related to classroom accommodations) and Assessment Accommodations profile (related to state testing accommodations).
In the Classroom Accommodations section, select the applicable checkboxes available under the following categories:
Timing and Scheduling
Other: If the Other checkbox is selected, describe the accommodations needed.
In the State Testing Accommodations section, select a checkbox that applies.
When selecting either The student will participate in the regular statewide assessments with accommodations or The student will participate in the alternate assessment with accommodations checkbox, select a value for each of the following fields:
Complete the information on the screen within the following sections:
Click Save, Done Editing.
Finalize the document once completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.
If the Referral Reason = Out of State IEP, the user can manually enter a date in the Last Eligibility Meeting Date and Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date fields. The date does not flow back to any sub-sections of the student's Profile upon finalization of the document.
If the Referral Reason = Initial Evaluation, Last Eligibility Meeting Date and Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date fields do not appear.
When the Referral Reason = Reevaluation - Parent/LEA Request for the student, the following text appears: The LEA is initiating a reevaluation for your child to determine whether they continue to be a child with a disability.
To add services, click the plus icon within Current Special Education.
To add services, click the plus icon within Current Related Services.
To add state accommodations, click the plus icon within State Testing Accommodations.
Existing School-based Data
The system provides the text fields to enter:
Number of Absent days
Number of Tardy days
Total Days Enrolled
The system provides the following long stylized text boxes to enter existing school-based data:
Hearing Screening
Vision Screening
Discipline/Behavior Screening
The values entered in the Absent and Tardy days field must not exceed the value mentioned in the Total Days Enrolled field.
The system provides a long stylized text box to enter Additional Description.
The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in each text box.
Existing Student Data
The system provides the following long stylized text boxes to enter existing student data:
Student Background Information (Includes reasons for referral, parent input or concerns, teacher input or concerns, student input)
Educational History (Includes description of student's prior academic performance, participation, and performance on statewide assessments)
Parent-provided input, evaluation or information
Current classroom-based, LEA or state assessments
Observations (Includes current classroom-based observations, teacher observations, or other provider observations)
Previous Interventions and Strategies (Describes previous strategies and interventions attempted, strategies, progress monitoring measures, and outcomes. The system allows the user to attach image files.)
Review of Medical Information or Records (If available, describe medical concerns, medical conditions, diagnoses, or physician input relevant to the student's education. The system allows the user to attach image files.)
Other Existing Data (For example, attendance data, hearing and vision screenings, or the student's medical history)
The system also provides the following long stylized text boxes for students under the age of six:
Relevant information provided by any agency, medical professional, service provider, childcare provider, early childhood program, or relative who may have relevant information regarding the child.
IDEA Part C assessments and other related data
The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in each text box.
Area of Need/Concern Reviewed
In the Area of Need/Concern Reviewed section, select the applicable checkboxes. If Other is selected, describe the area of need or concern reviewed.
Select an Assessment Category from the drop-down list.
The system provides a drop-down list with the linked assessment categories based on the area of need or concern.
Enter a date in the Date Assessment was Completed or Information was Obtained field.
The system provides a long stylized text box to enter the Description of Assessment/Information Review Results.
In the Attach Assessment Documentation section, the user can upload multiple files using the Attach Here option once the section is saved.
The system provides the following long stylized text boxes:
Conclusions (includes impacts on area of assessment)
Areas of Growth
Additional Assessment Considerations
In the Additional Assessment Considerations section, select a response (Yes or No) for each of the following checkboxes:
IEP Team has enough information in all areas of concern to determine if the child has or continues to have a disability.
IEP Team has enough information in all areas of concern to determine the educational needs of the child, including the present levels of academic achievement and related developmental needs of the child and any additions or modifications needed to enable the child to make progress that is appropriate in light of the child's circumstances.
IEP Team has enough information in all areas of concern to determine whether the child needs or continues to need special education and related services.
The user must select one of the following checkboxes:
The child should be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education and related services.: when selecting this checkbox, the system displays: Provide the parent/guardian(s) with the Prior Written Notice (PWN) and Consent for Evaluation.
The child should not be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education and related services.: when selecting this checkbox, the system displays: Provide the parent/guardian(s) with the Prior Written Notice (PWN).
If all three checkboxes in the Additional Assessment Considerations area are selected as No, then the Additional Assessments section will appear. Upon finalization of the document, the data in this section will flow to the student's Assessments Part B profile.
Select an Assessment Category.
Enter a date in the Assessment Request Date field.
Enter a date in the Assessment Due Date field.
Enter a Provider Assigned using the lookup function.
The system only redirects the users to an incomplete area within the Area of Need/Concern Reviewed section when they select a checkbox for child eligibility determination for special education and related services.
Removed the non-lookup functionality from the Additional Assessments section.