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MI Compliance at a Glance

PowerSchool Special Programs Best Practices

Integration with PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS)

Import Layouts

Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, then Integration, then Import Layouts

  • Use Import Layouts to import data from the PowerSchool SIS into PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • System administrators should routinely check the Last Imported date and ensure no errors are found.

  • Select Continuous Integration Settings from the More menu to check if a layout is enabled.

Writeback Export Reports

Software menu path: Reporting, then Standard Reports, then PowerSchool Export or eSPExport

  • Writeback Export Reports via the Reporting menu send data to the SIS (PowerSchool SIS) from PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • These reports collect the specific special education, which is then uploaded to the SIS.

  • The administrator must enable each report in the application to export the data.

  • System administrators should routinely check the Last Successful Export and Last Export Attempted Time Stamp dates are the same. If the dates differ, the export has failed, and the administrator must review the error log to correct the applicable data.

  • For more information regarding what student data exports to PowerSchool SIS, see PowerSchool SIS Integration.

PowerSchool recommends system administrators routinely review the enabled export reports and import layouts for any errors. Special Programs can send an email to administrators with a compilation of all integration errors. To set this up:

  1. Go to Administration, Configuration, Config Tasks, and choose or create a configuration task.

  2. Go to Administration, then Configuration, then Integration.

  3. From the More... menu, choose Continuous Integration Settings.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the required integration instance.

  5. Enter the Notification Email Address. To send notifications to multiple recipients, enter email addresses separated with a comma (,).

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Enter your password, and click OK.

If integration failures persist and are not followed by successful integration runs, contact the PowerSchool support team or log a support ticket.

End of School Year

The system administrator performs the end-of-school-year rollover process and includes school-year document folders, calendar settings, and progress reporting marking periods.

See End of Year Rollover for more information.

New to PowerSchool Special Programs

When the special education data migration to PowerSchool Special Programs is completed, PowerSchool recommends generating all required state reports.

  • Run all reports regardless of when the reports are due to the State.

  • Compare the reports to those from your previous special education system to ensure data migrated properly.

  • Proper data migration will ensure reports from the customer's prior system and PowerSchool Special Programs match. PowerSchool is committed to ensuring your state reporting submissions are accurate, so it is best practice to run the reports as soon as possible during your implementation.

State Reporting

PowerSchool recommends districts run the upcoming state reports monthly to ensure data accuracy.

State reporting typically has stages of submission, “Collection Open,” “Collection Closes date,” “Correction Window,” and “Final submission.”

Reporting Timelines

Generate in Live PowerSchool Special Programs

Create Snapshot Database

Run Reporting within Snapshot Database


Approximately 9/30- when Fall General MSDS Collection and Early Childhood Collection Opens

Approximately 10/7 - Count Day

From the creation of the snapshot database to final submission.


Approximately 12/9 for Spring Early Childhood and 2/3 for Spring - when General MSDS Collection Opens

Approximately 2/10 Count Day

From the creation of the snapshot database to final submission.


Approximately 4/7 for EOP Early Childhood and 5/3 for EOY- General MSDS Collection Opens

Approximately 6/30

From the creation of the snapshot database to final submission.

Snapshot Database for State Reporting

The PowerSchool Special Programs application does not historically track some special education state-reportable data, such as disabilities. The administrator of PowerSchool Special Programs must make a snapshot of the live database on or before the 12/1 and end-of-year reporting submissions.

Only one copy of your database can exist as a snapshot.

See Creating/Managing the Reporting Snapshot Database for more information.

  • After the snapshot is created and corrections for the reporting period need to be made, make all necessary changes in the snapshot database.

  • The system will prompt the user if the changes need to be pushed to the live database.

District Setup

Field Name

Data Type (Length)



ID (7)

Contains the county_district number of the district.


Character (100)

Contains the official name of the district.

Intermediate Unit

Intermediate Unit Profile Reference

The district's Intermediate Unit.


CountyCodes Keyword Selection

The county the district is in.

Building Setup

Field Name

Data Type (Length)



ID (20)

Contains the county_district_location number of the location (school).


Character (85)

Contains the official name of the location (school).


District Profile Reference

Contains the district of the location. Entry comes from the 'Districts' list.

Integration IDT

Character (50)

The continuous integration profile identifier.

Building Code

Character (5)

Building Code to report to the state.



Early Childhood Program instructional time.



Early Childhood Services instructional time.

Entity Type

EntityTypes Keyword Selection

This number identifies the types of educational entities in Michigan as defined in the Michigan statute.


Character (5)

Override ID provided by PowerSchool with State Location Code.

Instructional Time


Instructional time.



Kindergarten instructional time.

Staff Setup

Field Name

Data Type (Length)



ID (30)

Contains the person's ID.

Last Name

Character (30)

Contains the person's name.

First Name

Character (30)

Contains the person's name.

Middle Name

Character (30)

Contains the person's name.

Works At

Location Profile Reference

Contains the location the person works at.

Alternate Works At

Location Profile ReferenceMulti-valued on AlternateWorksAtEnum

Contains any alternate locations the staff member works at.


PersonnelPosition Keyword Selection

Staff position.

Global Setup

Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, then Profile Types, and then Globals

Administrators must configure the following settings for state reporting:

Profile Types, then (GLOBALS), then Main menu, and then the Configurable Options section

Field Name

Data Type (Length)


Custom Product Logo


Custom product logo.


Character (30)

Contains the address of your district's main office.

Alternate Loc to Works At

Logical Value (prevent empty values)

Staff Locations are imported to AlternateStaffLocations and should be copied to the main Staff Profile.

Bill Through Date

DateDefault: CurrentDate()

Service Record Bill Through Date.

CEPICollection Id

Character (50)

CEPI Header information: CollectionId.

CEPICollection Name

Character (50)

CEPI Header information: CollectionName.

CEPISchema Location

Character (255)

CEPI Header information: NamespaceSchemaLocation.

CEPISchema Version Major

Character (50)

CEPI Header information: SchemaVersionMajor.

CEPISchema Version Minor

Character (50)

CEPI Header information: SchemaVersionMinor.

Cessation Explanation

Character (200)

Where procedural protections are explained, used in Notice of Cessation.

Current Count Date


Contains the current count date for state reporting.

Days In School Year


Contains the number of days in the current academic year.

First Day Of School


The first day of the current school year. The month and day should always by July 1.

Last Day Of School


The last day of the current school year. The month and day should always by June 30.

MSDSFall Date


Date of Fall MSDS submission.

MSDSSpring Date


Date of Spring MSDS submission.

Previous Count Date


Contains the previous count date for state reporting.

Previous EOCount Date


Previous Early On count date.

Use for Reporting Students who exit during the reporting period when non-Special Education Early On is not reported.

Setting Age Calc Date


The date used to filter Setting options for the proper age range.

Show Actual Minutes

Logical Value (prevent empty values)

Show actual minutes on programs and services.

This District

District Profile Reference

This district.

State Reports


MSDS (Michigan Student Data Systems) is reported through the Center for Educational Performance (CEPI). All districts are required to run the CEPI report.

PowerSchool SIS customers can run the CEPI reports from PowerSchool SIS or PowerSchool Special Programs.

There are 2 versions of CEPI Reports:

  • CEPI and CEPI Early On

  • CEPI (Enrollment Security) and CEPI Early On (Enrollment Security)

The difference between the reports with Enrollment Security at the end of the title is that the report accommodates students with programs in multiple locations.





CEPI (Enrollment Security)


This report compiles the special education data for the General Collection.

CEPI Early On or

CEPI Early On (Enrollment Security)


This report compiles the Early On special education data for the Early Childhood Collection.

The system provides additional reports for district auditing and administration of MSDS data. Districts can use these reports as part of their daily, weekly, or monthly processes to ensure data accuracy for MSDS Reporting.



CEPI by Location or CEPI by Location (Enrollment Security)

Use this report to assess data by building.

CEPI Report Inclusion Flags

Displays all of the fields that the CEPI and CEPI Birth to three reports use determine which students to include.

Diagnostic Errors

Displays student data errors based on CEPI business rules.

Diagnostic Errors 0-3

Displays student data errors based on CEPI business rules for children 0-3 years old.

Report Inclusion: ExitedButNotReported

Lists students who have exited Special Ed and have not been reported since the last count.

Report Inclusion: ExitedEOButNotReported

Lists students who have exited Early On and have not been reported since the last count.

Report Inclusion: ExitedEOSpEdNotReported

Lists students who have exited either Early On or Special Ed and have not been reported since the last count.

Report Inclusion: InitEODataNotSubmit

Lists Early On students whose Initial IEP data has not been submitted.

Report Inclusion: InitIEPDataNotSubmit

Lists students whose Initial IEP data has not been submitted.

Report Inclusion: ReportableEarlyOn

Lists Early On students who will be included in the count.

Report Inclusion: ReportableEOSpecialEd

Lists both Early On and school-age students who will be included in the count.

Report Inclusion: ReportableSpecialEd

List school-age students who will be included in the count.


PowerSchool SIS or PowerSchool Special Programs can generate worksheets A and B documents.

This information is required by the Michigan Pupil Accounting and Attendance Association (MPAAA). Worksheet A identifies pupils eligible for 100% of Added Cost funding under Section 53a of the State School Aid Act. It will also determine FULL-TIME EQUIVALENCY (FTE) membership assigned to Basic Classroom Programs. Worksheet B enables the special education administrator to determine FULL-TIME EQUIVALENCY (FTE) membership assigned to Basic Classroom Programs and the total count of disabled students by program category and by grade.

The reports are categorized under Michigan Pupil Accounting in PowerSchool Special Programs.

Administrators can run the following reports at any time to help manage the completion and accuracy of the worksheet data.



FTE by Program

This report groups by special education program and provides totals for General Education FTE, Special Education FTE, Total FTE, and student count.

Membership Report All Active

This report will display all of the Active Special Education Students and their FTE data.

Membership Report Non-Zero FTE

This report will display all of the Active Special Education Students when their FTE data is greater than zero.

Membership Report Shared

This report will display all of the Active Special Education Students shared among more than 1 district.

Membership Summary

Administrators can run this report for a specified building.

Membership Summary by Program

Administrators can run this report for a specified program.

Michigan Pupil Accounting Time Comparisons

This report displays both the actual minutes filled in on the Worksheets and the minutes mandated in the student's IEP.

Michigan Pupil Accounting Worksheets

This report lists the staff and the buildings where they work.

Most Recent Pupil Accounting Worksheets

This report lists the most recent worksheet by a staff member with a dynamic icon on the worksheet.

Update Scripts

PowerSchool Special Programs uses multiple Update scripts for all of the dynamic workflows in Michigan.

Below is a list of the updated scripts and user descriptions that provides additional detail.


Model Description

User Description


Applicable Reports

Add AlternateStaffLocations toMainAlternateWorksAt

Add AlternateWorksAt values to AlternateStaffLocations, so the values are available in Worksheets.

Updates the Staff Alternate Works at fields from the Alternate Works at Child Profiles based on Globals {AlternateLocToWorksAt:L"Staff Locations Are Imported to AlternateStaffLocations And Should Be Copied to the Main Staff Profile"} = TRUE.

Daily when using the Alternate Staff Location Import.


Add Case Manager to Caseload

Adds case manager to caseload if not already there.

The system will update the staff caseload (4 staff max) from the Programs and Services profile.



Add WorksAt to AlternateStaffLocations

Add WorksAt and AlternateWorksAt values to AlternateStaffLocations, so the values are available in Worksheets.

Updates the Staff to the Alternate Works Child Profile from the Alternate Works at Fields of the Main Section of the Staff Profile.

(Conditional) Daily if not using the Alternate Staff Location Import


Copy District info to Enrollment Record

Copy District info to Enrollment Record for reporting moved/exited students.

Updates Enrollment Records with the following data: Initial IEP Date, Completion Date, Primary Disability, Placed in District, Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason, FTE, General Education FTE, Support Service, and Program Service Codes when the school in enrollment records is equal to the school in the student’s profile.



Copy District info to EnrollmentsSecurity

Copy District info to Enrollment Security record for reporting moved/exited students.

Updates Enrolment Security Records with the following data: Initial IEP Date, Completion Date, Primary Disability, Placed in District, Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason, FTE, General Education FTE, Support Service, and Program Service Code when the school in the enrollment security record is the same as the school in the enrollment profile.



Copy Enrollment Record to Main Profile

Copy Enrollment Record information to Main Profile.Will update the Student's School from the Enrollment Record with the most recent Enrollment Start Date, as long as it isn't one of the Additional Schools.

Copy Enrollment Record information to Main Profile.Will update the Student's School from the Enrollment Record with the most recent Enrollment Start Date, as long as it isn't one of the Additional Schools.


Worksheets and MSDS/CEPI


Copy Student Profile contact fields from StudentContacts child profile.

Updates the Student Profile contact fields from StudentContacts child profile.


Not Applicable

Create EnrollmentSecurity from Main Student Prof

Create EnrollmentSecurity records from the Main student profile.

Retrieves the first row of Enrollment Records by Enrollment Start Date and sets the school in the student’s profile along with the following fields: District Exit Status, Enrollment Exit Date, Enrollment Start Date, Residency, Local Id, Grade, and Ten 30 Day Rule when the school in enrollment records is equal to the school in the student’s profile.



Create EnrollmentsSecurity from EnrollmentRecords

Create EnrollmentsSecurity from EnrollmentRecords.

Creates Enrollment Security records from the Enrollment record when none exists.



Create GEEnrollmentsSecurity

Create GEEnrollmentsSecurity records.

Creates GEEnrollments Security record from the General Ed profile so when a student is moved to the student table, an Enrollment Security record exists.


Not Applicable until the student is in special education

Create MARSEEligible EO Eligibility Reason

Creates EO Eligibility Reasons child profile for #22 if the student has EOSpEdRules = True.

Deletes Eligibility Reasons when DevelopmentalDelays IS EMPTY AND EstablishedConditions IS EMPTY AND student.EOSPEDRules=TRUE. Then inserts a child record with a condition = 22 if the student's evaluation was completed and there is no child record with a condition of 22.



Delete Non-consented EI Services

Delete EI Services where parents did not give consent.

Deletes any Early Intervention Services that have not been given parental consent from the profile.



PowerSchool Obsolete Data Removal

Automated script to remove obsolete PowerSchool SIS data.

Updates obsolete staff location data.



Set AdditionalPlanDates

Set AdditionalPlanDates for Reporting.

Updates plan dates since the last reporting date.



Set EOEligibility Reasons

Set EOEligibility Reasons for Reporting.

Updates Early On Eligibility Reasons.



Set FTE from Worksheets

Set FTE from Worksheets.

Updates student’s FTE and General Education FTE based on the staff worksheets and sets additional school FTE. This script pushes data from the worksheets to the caseload data to the student data. (Caseload is attached to the staff and student)

Note: Providers will not see worksheet B calculation updating the profile immediately. A nightly scheduled script moves data from the worksheets to the Programs and Services main profile and CEPI profile (key item – must finalize worksheets).



Set FTE to 0 For Programless

Set the FTE and GenEd FTE to zero for all grade 30 students with ONLY services.

Sets the students' special education FTE to 0 for students only receiving services and in grade 30.



Set GenEd FTE to 1

Includes only students receiving services set the GenEdFTE to 1 and FTE to 0 (non-grade 30).

Sets the students' general education FTE to 1 for students only receiving services and not in grade 30.



Set Profile Tags

Set Profile Tags with complicated formulas.



Not Applicable

SET Resident District for the purpose of FAPE

Sets the District for the purpose of FAPE.

Sets the Resident District to the Enrollment District when Residency Status is C02, C03, or C06 and Placed in District is False.



Set Statuses

Set Statuses for district exits.

Updates the Case Status for students who exit the district.



Set TimelyStartOfService

Sets Timeliness to "Valid reasons" if any delayed services and not already Valid reasons" or "Untimely services"Sets Timeliness to "Timely new services" if NewServices without delaySets Timeliness to "No new services" if no NewServices.

Sets Timeliness to “Valid Reasons” when there are delayed services and not already set to Valid Reasons.

Sets Timeliness to “Untimely Services” when there are delayed services, and Timely Start of Services does not equal Valid Reasons.

Sets Timeliness to “Timely New Services” when the service is a new service, and there is no delay.

Sets Timeliness to “No New Services” if the student does not have any new services.



Still In ISD

Set indicator that the student is still in the same ISD for EnrollmentsSecurity records since the IsActive calculation cannot utilize the dot(.) operator.

Set indicator that the student is still in the same ISD for EnrollmentsSecurity records since the IsActive calculation cannot utilize the dot(.) operator.



Update FTE

Recalculates FTE as of global reporting date.

Sets the FTE and Additional Schools FTE from the FTE from the Actual Special Education Minutes from the programs of the current school year.

This is not necessary if using Worksheets to calculate FTE.

Daily if not using Worksheets (Conditional)


Michigan Special Education Documents

The Special Education forms in PowerSchool Special Programs will match the mandated requirements outlined by the Michigan Department of Education. PowerSchool typically releases state document changes within 6-8 weeks from receipt of changes. Additional forms such as 504, English Learner, and Response to Intervention (RTI) are not state-mandated. Discuss requests to change non-state-mandated forms in the advisory meetings with the group.

State Reporting Profiles

Software menu path: Click Administration, then Configuration, and select Profile Types. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the student and select one of the following reports used for state reporting:

Student Profile


Demographics/Enrollment/Contact Info

Data Flow Report


Data Flow Report

Early Childhood Special Education Outcomes Profile

Data Flow Report

Demographics (Early On)

Data Flow Report

CEPI Birth To 3

Data Flow Report

Early On COSF

Data Flow Report

The Data Flow Report provides the following information for the fields to support state reporting analysis:

  • Field Name

  • Field Properties

  • Field Description

  • Import/Export Layouts

  • Template Data Flow

  • Profile Update Scripts (set/modify)

  • Form Sections (if applicable)

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