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Configure Document Template Security

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20.6 and later.

Security administrators can:

  • Specify rights for individual document templates apart from those rights inherited from category-level.
  • Grant additional rights for individual document templates apart from those rights inherited from category-level.
Templates not part of an existing category are listed in the Other Document Templates section at the end of the Document Templates/Categories column.

Establish Security Access for Document Templates

Log in as a security administrator.

  1. Choose Administration, then Configuration.
  2. Click Document Templates.
  3. Click the magnifier icon for the required document template.
  4. To set document-wide security privileges for the template, click Security, and then select the options for security groups to:
    • View: Users or Groups with this right can view the entire document (all sections). You cannot assign View at the category level and then assign View Final Only to a document template in that category, or vice-versa (unless the document template has the Do Not Inherit Rights from Category selected).
    • View Final Only: Users or Groups with this right can view only final documents. They will not have access to any draft/review documents. (Version 19.4 and later)
    • View If Owner: Users or Groups with this right will be able to access documents that they are the designated owners of. This right will only appear for certain document templates configured to use the "document owner" security model.

      Document templates that use “document owner” security do not inherit from the category and always have the Do Not Inherit Rights from Category selected.
    • Create: Users or Groups with this right can create a new document that defaults to draft mode.
    • Edit Draft: Users or Groups with this right can edit any section of the document when it is in draft mode. Do not assign this right if edit access should only be granted for individual sections.
    • Edit Review: Users or Groups with this right can edit any section of the document when it is in review mode. Do not assign this right if edit access should only be granted for individual sections.
    • Edit Final: Users or Groups with rights can take a document out of final status. However, users cannot edit finalized documents.
    • Translate: If your school district utilizes the feature to translate documents into other languages, this assigns the right to translate the document (i.e., edit the translation) but not change the original (for which one would need the above edit rights).
    • Set Draft: Users/Groups with this right can set the status of a document back to Draft as long as they also have the edit right for the status that the document is currently in (i.e., Edit Review or Edit Final).
    • Set Review: Users/Groups with this right can set the status of a document to Review as long as they also have the edit right for the status that the document is currently in (i.e., Edit Draft or Edit Final).
    • Set Final: Users/Groups with this right can set the status of a document to Final as long as they also have the edit right for the status that the document is currently in (i.e., Edit Draft or Edit Review).
    • Print: Users/Groups with this right can edit and print the document (the sections they can view).
    • Review Acknowledge: Users/Groups with this right can electronically acknowledge reviewing documents from this template. See Review and Acknowledge Documents for more information.
    • Attach Files: Users/Groups with this right can upload and attach files to non-final documents from this template.
    • Edit Files Attached by Others: Users/Groups with this right can revise or delete files attached by other users.
    • Edit Files Attached to Final Documents: Users/Groups with this right can attach files to final documents from this template.
    • Edit Public Statement Banks: Users/Groups with this right can edit the public statements banks for most narrative text fields. However, such groups must also have the Edit Public Statement Banks system administration privilege granted. The system administration allows the group to generally perform the function, but the right must also be assigned for individual document templates.
    • Force Finalize: This right should only be granted to high-privilege system administrators, and grants the right to "force finalize" a document. Documents that are "force finalized" are marked to indicate that they are not necessarily compliant with all business rules.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. To set section-wide privileges, click Section Security, and then select the options for security groups to:
    • View: Users or Groups with this right can view this section.
    • Edit Draft: Users or Groups with this right can edit this section when the document is in draft status.
    • Edit Review: Users or Groups with this right can edit this section when the document is in review status.
    • Translate: Users or Groups with this right can translate documents.

      To view security groups alphabetically, click the alphabet.

  7. Click Save Changes.
  8. To view and configure additional security options, click Other Security Options.
    • If Hide Non Final Documents If Not User Editable is enabled, users who have view privilege but not editing privileges will only be able to see final documents and not documents in draft or review mode.
    • If Student/Parent Security is selected, students can see their document from this template, and parents and guardians see documents from this template for their child.
    • If the Final Document Only sub-option is enabled, then students, parents, or guardians will only be able to view the document if it is finalized.

      You can use this option to allow the student or parent to create a document. You must provide the relevant section-wide privileges for students and parents.

    • While only the system administrator can edit public statements for narrative text boxes in the template by default, select Public Statement Security to designate members of another security group's ability to modify public statements. If you want users to submit their private statements for inclusion in the collection of the public statements, specify the User ID of the user who will evaluate submitted statements for potential inclusion in the public collection. Designate a user to enable submission.
  9. Click Save Changes.

Manage Document Template for Security Groups

Log in as a system administrator to manage template privileges for a security group.

  1. Choose Administration, then Security.
  2. Click the required security group.
  3. Click Document Templates.
  4. Click the magnifier icon for the required document template.
  5. To modify the document-level privileges, click Edit for Document-Wide Rights. Select the required checkboxes, then click Save.
  6. To modify the section-level privileges, click Edit for Section Name. Select the required checkboxes, then click Save.
  7. To manage privileges for other templates, choose the template from Select Template/Category. Repeat steps 5 and 6.

Manage Security for Category

Administrators can now assign security rights to document template categories, so each document template inherits rights from the category. For example, if a category has 10 document templates and the security access is the same for every document template, administrators can assign rights that apply to all the templates in the category.

The following rules apply:

  • Any rights assigned at the category level flow to each document template in the category. To prevent an individual template from inheriting category privileges, select “Do Not Inherit Rights from Category.”
  • Administrators can assign specific rights directly to one or more document templates within the category. Such a template will also include any rights inherited from the category.
  • Upon upgrade to version 20.6, existing document-level privileges will remain to preserve existing access.

Log in as a system administrator to prevent templates from inheriting category privileges.

  1. Choose Administration, then Configuration.
  2. Click Document Templates.
  3. Click the padlock icon of the required document template.
  4. Click Other Security Options.
  5. Deselect Do Not Inherit Rights From Category.
  6. Click Save Changes.
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