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Assessment Administration for a Class

To score an assessment for one of your classes, you must first create an assessment administration online, which you can then open using the Scoring Tool application.

To score an assessment for a group of students that spans across multiple classrooms, such as all students at a grade level at a particular location, follow the directions in Location or District-wide Assessment Administration. Note that you must have the necessary access privileges to create location- or district-wide assessment administrations.


Create an Assessment Administration

  1. In the My Classes section on your Home Page, click the link for the class in which you want to create the assessment administration.
    • If the class is not on your home page, but you have broader (administrative) access to classes, select Classes from the search menu, search for the class, and open its class roster.
    • If you cannot access the desired class, contact your system administrator to receive authorization.
  2. On the class roster page, click the Student Assessment tab.
  3. Click + New Assessment Administration.
  4. On the page that displays the available assessment definitions, click the check icon next to a curriculum area to choose it. The number of assessment definitions associated with the area is shown in parenthesis.
  5. To select an assessment definition, click the check icon next to it.
    • If you do not see the definition you want, use the navigation trail at the top to back up and try another area.
  6. On the New Assessment Administration (Options) window, define the administration.
    • In the Administered When? fields:
      1. Enter the date the assessment was administered
      2. Verify that the correct marking period is selected. If the marking period is not relevant, you can select "N/A" from the drop-down menu.
      3. Verify that the correct school year is selected.
    • In the Additional User Comment text box, enter any additional details for the Assessment Administration, as needed.
      : Entering the assessment name, school, class year, or marking period is redundant.
    • If the Generate Random Variations option appears on this screen, you can select to generate different variations of the assessment. Select the number of variations you wish to generate from the menu.
      The Generate Random Variations option appears only if the option has been enabled in the assessment definition. If available, it allows you to generate five or ten random variations of the assessment to help prevent cheating. The questions will appear in a different order in each variation. This functionality is available only if the full test question content is available in the assessment definition, and if the assessment will be administered with the plain paper scanning system or administered online to students.
  7. Click Accept to continue.

    You can set administration options to enable a read-only filtered view by class, which allows teachers of the classes to see the results for their students (only). Similarly, if you are creating a location-wide assessment administration, you have the option to enable a location-wide view (i.e. for school principals).

  8. Use the Scoring Tool to open the assessment administration you just created and enter or scan in the student item responses.
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