Create a New Workflow Case
Use the Create Workflow Case option on the Workflow Cases tab to create a new process workflow for a student using preconfigured workflow case types consisting of documents and workflow steps associated with each part of the process.
When you create a new workflow case, the documents preselected for the workflow case will either be created immediately or will be added as placeholder document templates until the documents need to be created later in the process. You can also add other new and existing documents.
For more information about creating and working with documents, refer to Manage Documents in the Special Programs User Help.
The workflow case status is accessible throughout Special Programs. You can track exactly where the student is in the process and see if a workflow case is blocked so you can take action when the workflow case is not progressing along the timeline. The Workflow Case Summary View will show a student's active workflow case with the highest priority, as configured by your district's system administrator. If there are other active cases for the student, click the Workflow Case Summary View to access the other cases.
The Send Message link allows you to send a message to other staff within Special Programs as you create the new workflow case. Click the Send Message link in the top right corner of the New Documents or Existing Documents window and fill in the details. For additional information, refer to Sending Messages in the Special Programs User Help.
Step 1 - Enter basic information about the new workflow case
- Find the student in the My Students panel or search for the student, then click the Workflow Cases tab.
- Click Create Workflow Case to open the Create Workflow Case wizard.
- Select the Category for the case.
- Select the Case Type. Workflow Case Types are associated with specific Categories, so the Category you select determines which Workflow Case Types are available in this drop-down list.
If the workflow case type was configured with precondition criteria and the student does not meet the criteria, you will be notified and will not be able to create a workflow case based on that case type. In that case, choose another workflow case type. - Add a brief Description of the workflow case (optional).
Click Next to proceed to the next wizard step to select documents to include in the workflow case.
Go on to the next wizard step procedure: Step 2 - Select new documents to include in the workflow case.There are separate wizard steps for adding New and Existing documents to the new workflow case. To navigate through the wizard steps, you can click the Next and Previous buttons or click the links along the top of the wizard to jump directly to the Basic Info, New Documents, or Existing Documents.
Step 2 - Select new documents to include in the workflow case
Documents configured by your district to be associated with the workflow case type you selected appear in this wizard step, but you can also add other documents to the workflow case at any time.
You can also add or remove documents after creating the workflow case.
Select the documents you want to include in the workflow case. Some documents may be preselected by your district to be included and created immediately when the case is created.
- A document name appearing in normal, non-italicized text is a document which will be created immediately and added to the workflow case, if selected.
- A document name appearing in italicized text is a document template which will be added as a placeholder for the document to be created when needed, if selected.
If you want to add documents you don't see listed in this step, you can use the Add New Document menu to select the documents, and then click Add.
- Click Next to proceed to the next wizard step to select existing documents to include in the workflow case.
Go on to Step 3 - Add existing documents to the workflow case.
Step 3 - Add existing documents to the workflow case
Documents that already exist for the student in Special Programs appear in this wizard step.
- Select the documents you want to add to the workflow case.
- You can filter the list of documents using the By Year and By Category menus at the top of the wizard.
- If you need to add a new document, you can go back to the New Documents window by clicking the Previous button in the bottom left corner or the New Documents link along the top.
Step 4 - Create the new workflow case
- When you have finished adding documents, click Create to create the new workflow case for the student.
- The new workflow case will appear in the Workflow Cases tab, labeled with the Category - Case Type you selected, along with a visual indicator of the current Workflow Case Status in a timeline-like format.
- Refer to Manage Workflow Cases to learn how to manage your new case. For example, you can click the Workflow Case Status View (timeline) to open a workflow case dialog box showing a larger version of the timeline, including all steps in the workflow case, with a status indicator icon identifying the current step and number of days until the next target date (or the number of days the step is overdue).